i got smc.bin from hp support i had experience with file but this hp have fastboot enabled in the bios so cant use windwos+up+down not work at all is there any trick to reach smc screen with secure boot fastboot enabled smc keys not work any suggestion will really appreciate thanx
I managed to install the driver and now I have a connection with the programmer...but... I been unable to read the bios chip... always I get 'Chip error' I need some help from my friends 'What would you think if I sang out of tune Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song And I'll try not to sing out of key Oh I get by with a little help from my friends Mm I get high with a little help from my friends Mm gonna try with a little help from my Friends"
Thanks for your response... how can i flash new rom? where can i get the new rom file and what will be the procedure.. kindly guide me..
i have dell e7270 with computrace i cant deactivate it i have ezp2013 programer some can tell me how to did please thanx
dell e7270 have two bios or one on motherboard i find winboard w25q128 and w25x10 i remove 25q128 flash it with new file pc wont start put again backup file stay off too someone advise me to remove 25x10 and put same file on both chip anyone help please thanx
Hi All, I am new here, but is there a way of reseting the bios for a 8470p. Ive an old machine that I have a use for but I cant remeber the password (Iactually cant remember setting one). Thanks in advnace
i had issue with friends ezp2011 and had to enable signingtestmode on i had to try 2 drivers one worked one didnt. the read chip has to be done off the board. sorry i didnt reply sooner i didnt see the posts. nelson77 let me know if u still need bin edited.
LatinMcG, nice to see you again.. I am not able to read the BIOS CHIP in the board, I am using esp2017 and always gives 'chip error'. Also I bought the ch341a and it reads but the Address only show FF in hex and dots in ASCII Mine is a HP Folio 1040 with a Winbond Bios chip Any idea? Regards
If you are able to write to the chip, I could provide you with a bin that would be pre-programmed with your Serial number and SKU that is password free. What gen? G1 or G2?