I REALLY need classic edge back, for epubs, please help me..

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by beer90, Jul 20, 2021.

  1. beer90

    beer90 MDL Novice

    Mar 9, 2014
    Hi guys, so as of the title I really want back edge classic: it is the ONLY app in the world which I love for reading epub files.

    I've tried litterally ANYTHING, but nothing is up to that standard.

    I've tried looking online, if it would be possible finding some old installation, but nothing.

    Right now I'm thinking about trying to extract an old version of classic edge from an old windows 10 installation ISO.

    I've read that 44.18362 probably is the latest version of edge with epub support.

    Do you know in which win10 iso I can find it? Maybe 2020H2?

    And... if I will be able to find this release... given the fact that classic edge is a "modern app", will I be able to run it just extracting files from the iso?

    Please, help me, I really need classic edge back for epub support.