Ideas for Upgrading Acer Aspire one RAM to 2GB

Discussion in 'PC Hardware' started by andyy, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. andyy

    andyy MDL Novice

    Jun 17, 2012

    I know the Limitation on the acer aspire one chip set is 2GB , However 512MB is soldered directly to the motherboard making the MAX 1.5GB as no 1.5 GB Ram sticks exist to make it 2GB ... and if i added a 2GB card it would be 2.5GB which is above the limit...

    Soo I would like to know if it would be possible for me to create a 1.5GB stick of ram out of a 2GB one (eg: remove say two of the chips)

    The only problem I can think of with this (apart from whether it is even possible) is weather the slot may have a limit of 1GB its self.

    Soo this leads me to think if I were to remove the 512MB of ram off the motherboard would i be able to solder 1GB on instead?

    I know this would be tricky but would make an interesting challenge, also no one else seems to have got a aspire one to run 2GB of ram yet...

    Thanks Andy
  2. Miamijerry

    Miamijerry MDL Junior Member

    Nov 8, 2011
    There was thread on the aspire one forum about disabling the onboard ram in the bios. I don't think anyone succeeded.

    I like your approach, I don't know if it is possible, but it might be worth a try.
  3. andyy

    andyy MDL Novice

    Jun 17, 2012
    Thanks for your reply, I have looked into disabling the ram in the bios via a modded bios, however I couldn't find any with the option to disable the ram there were some with graphic options unlocked etc but none with ram options (If anyone can point me to one if there is one that would be great)

    Also is there some one who knows about RAM and what would happen if I removed some of the chips from a stick of ram, maybe I should just test it out on a old computer first ...
  4. andyy

    andyy MDL Novice

    Jun 17, 2012
    found a old pc in the attic of my house

    so I removed half the ram off the 256mb stick only to remember the computer didnt work in the first place :rolleyes:

    ill see if I can use one of the old one's from my work tomorrow and will keep updated ...
  5. andyy

    andyy MDL Novice

    Jun 17, 2012

    gabris[LT] has comfirmed to me that the slot max's out at 1GB so 1.5GB adapted stick will not work...

    and also helped me out with the following

    There is 512MB of ram soldered on the mainboard spread across 4 chips 512/4 = 128MB

    So if these chips were de-soldered and replaced with like for like chips of 256MB that would give me 1GB (256x4=1000)

    So now I will find the text on-top of the chips and look up the data sheets for them

    Find some ram that matches this Voltage, MHZ, pins, type etc etc

    After this I will de-solder the ram from the mobo and solder the new ram in its place

    At this point I will have 1GB of ram on the mobo

    I can add 1GB into the slot giving me a total of my goal of 2GB

    Its gunna be a hell of alot of work for that 512MB extra of ram but should keep me busy ...

    Big thanks to :worthy: gabris[LT] :worthy: has Cleared alot of things up for me and answer lots of my questions (however stupid some were lol)

    I will start on the weekend maybe sooner and ill keep this updated