That perfectly sums it up. I do not need Mercedes to go shopping, much easier to park in smaller Fiat, and all shopping still fits in. I am not defending one or another, anybody uses what they want I just do not see a reason to pay $25 per machine for IDM, on 4 separate machines that makes 100 bucs. Worth it? Not to me
I'm using FDM, but not the crappy 5.x version. 3.9.7 runs full speed for me. Additionally, jDownloader handles many file download services without having to whitelist all the crap in the browser. Again, jD downloads with full speed (~12.5 MegaBytes per second with my 100MBit line).
IDK, I tried it once, and found it very confusing. It was very annoying, and in the way. I really don't remember much about it except I uninstalled it rather quickly. It was really difficult to use, and kept popping up, and just generally being intrusive when I wanted to download a file.
That sums it up either! At the end of the day, it's all about what someone needs and that differs from person to person. What also differs would be the environment where that product is used, in Business or Private or Education or whatsoever! At least for the Business, means that user uses that product for to run his Business and make Money (income) with it. That user should understand that the products he uses from others would cost money (for to develop etc.) and that those others expect to get something (bucks) for it, while the user uses it in his Business for to make his income, means to get paid for his work. For me, as I'm in the Computer Business, I don't mind to pay for software the needed License fee, as my customers need to pay License Fee's to my company for Software Products we'd developed for them. Nothing in Life is free, we pay for it all time, one way or another! And that applies even to any so-called Freeware Software!
Curious after reading some posts ... so i checked FDM on my Windows 7 box which was v. I don't do much torrenting any more when i do, µTorrent works for me just fine. Others I've tried bitkinex 3.2.3, if you need or enjoy tweaking rediscover Tixati, i've been using 2.5.6. Chrome is default browser which i usually Never download large files with... FileZilla Client 3.31.0 has a place on my Win 7 box as well... IDM, even if free not my cup of tea.
IDM is the better option between fdm and IDM. IDM download dialog box is better and has better speeds.
For windows users there is also GetRight download manager available. Also use it already for some year and it never let me down. I think it is worth a try for some of you. For pure speed i also use IDM. Getright is not so common know, but it does a good job!