Because there are no real non-believers, that's why, only believers hiding like Sith lord who want to rule the soul of others because the soul is the infrastructure of all life that their outside apparatus can't see. Only a mystic with eyes turned inward can see, know and feel the eternal soul... Has anyone here seen star wars R29k, gorski and TCM all share one thing in common, Projecting fear on what they don't understand. Besides them MDL has mostly nice members lol...Finally the high level mathmatics that explains everything I know you didn't mean that, your just upset at these partial science clowns and gorski back a few pages said that violence was necessary sometimes, so let him be the violent Validate that The kettle calling the pot black It's true nazi's are butt hurt, which is why they have to rule rather than cooperate and co-exist and honor other cultures Notice how TCM/gorski use the word believe instead of experience. Most avatars or spritual teachers have experience and if people like their teaching cause it's peace based then they believe, just like the TCM/gorski mob believe in theories Same thing No one has experienced the fictional big bang or fictional theory of relativity have they? Nope so the only difference is they use machines, whereas we use our minds, souls and lives to interact with creation and we can dig deeper than their outside apparatus's can so their again jealous! Like the fictional theory of relativity or do you mean the fictional big bang theory @Yen, how's that spiritual sanctuary thread coming I suggested? Hope to see it soon and without these guys in it, cause it will have rules and guidelines and be for spiritual people only!... A place of non-violence and cooperation! Basically the anti-If God is Omniscient then Human is not free
Ah. What about God's foreknowledge of God's own actions? Can (yes or no) God change the decisions He is going to take in future? If yes, that means what decisions He saw He is going to take in the future, were not the actual decision that He took. What He saw is going to happen in the future did not happen. So what He saw was wrong. If no, then he is not omnipotent. <edit>The most defending one they (theist) can do is- God is a creator. now what did He create? Do we really know He was the one who created everything ? How did He get created?<edit> Please see these interesting article on this issue. It's a Monty Hall universe, after all The Problem of Foreknowledge and Free Will
@TCM: And once again, you're talking about religion when none of us even brought up the subject. You brought it up in your first post deriding a post of mine.
Well, we can change future decisions we make too, I can think to myself that tomorrow I'm going to buy some pop from the shop, and then I can think - well no, im not going to do that, i`ll drink water instead Changing your own future is not hard, but knowing someone elses is
He's putting us in a box where we can be controlled cause if we're free then in his paranoia he thinks the Shaman will take over the world when indeed his types took over nature which was the indigenous home But the Shaman is peaceful and leaves the world as good as he found it unlike partial science that has murdered our future by making life on earth now unsustainable. He says we should be thankful for science and ok I'm thankful, but when all resources are depleated I'll bet he'll be on his knees praying with the Shamans to the Great Spirit cause that is our last resort. Unfortunately he'll wait till the very end like most to honor the Great Spirit and it may be too late for him Let's take a moment of silence for the R29k/gorski/TCM machine worshipers and pray sincerely for them to re-unite with the source of all life (God) You finally just described God, he has total control over life, but you still leave out that not only God is the present moment itself but can change the past too and AGAIN is not outside of one's self Re-engineering memories, the gift of the Shaman to heal the world... But if his gifts and experience aren't real like TCM's needs them to be then the world is fracked because science is partial and in no way is a reflection of the present now moment where all healing and life has it's origins
Please lay off whatever you're smoking. It was clearly about religion. And additionally, look at the thread title.
Oh so now you're telling people to stop smoking too? You must think very highly of yourself to think you have say over other peoples choices
Again this an ongoing brutal assault on the indigenous way of life. The Shaman uses nature and herbs in moderation for healing and spiritual insight and again that threatens TCM just like "cosmic science" being in the hands of healers not partial science bullies Like false gov't, religions and science he tells us how to be and if we're not in compliance he takes us If ego is an substance then you really need to lay off it
I never advocated violence against anyone who agreed to disagree with me. Only towards those who would abolish my right to disagree - with violent means. And it is quite clear who that is in this thread, as indicated above, not by me but by the actors themselves...
It still invalidates free will either way. The best way to explain this is what is generally referred to as the "Prophet's Paradox"... Basically, that if a prophet alters the outcome of his prophecy, then obviously it wasn't a true prophecy. To take this to the God discussion, can God change the outcome? If God can change the outcome, then God isn't omniscient... If God can't change the outcome, then God isn't omnipotent. basically, this means that the two main attributes attributed to God, omniscience and omnipotence, are actually mutually exclusive. Again this takes us right back to the "Free Will" discussion. Can you change(your example- water instead of pop) what God has foreseen? If you can, then God isn't omniscient... IF you can't, then how can you say you have "free will"?
@Sid you said "the most defending one they can do is god is a creator. now what did he create? do we really know he was the one who created everything ? how did he get created?" The questions you pose might be from either your own personal curiosity or simply to pose questions that another can not answer in order to discredit or challenge their individual beliefs which more than likely arose from their life experiences .. I ask you what is your true intention for asking the above questions? I am quite at peace not knowing the answers to those questions and when I speak of my life experiences in relationship to the great mystery/creator as has been previously described it is my own individual experience which requires no defense, right ? My personal life experience is that there is no one who can diminish/detract from the meaning of my experiences unless I allow it .. My experience with the trajectory of an open mind (my true nature ) can not be described with linear thought .. It is just a futile exercise .. This is in no way an attempt to side step the issue only to point out that it is my experience such interruptions in thought do little to promote Self awareness ..
lol...And he's overdosing Go back and look at your posts, you said it! Maybe you were not being yourself? And @MDL Keep this war zone alive, we're almost #1 in the hot threads lol
Mr Redroad, these are I think valid question while we are discussing the God existence. You can say its my curiosity or the non-believer's defense mechanism. Lastly I can't thrust my views upon others which I can't prove or give any solid evidence to support the claim. After all the life experience is only personal to which other people may disagree and I'm only 23 years of age and very little life experience. Thus, I can't judge .
God can change the outcome, but he doesn't, not by his own choice anyway, he wants us to make the correct choices which is how we end up going up when we die instead of down, I believe he grants some prayers for certain things, but I don't really want to get into a discussion about my beliefs here But we know we can change our futures, we can choose to do anything, just because God knows the outcome of each decision doesn't mean our lives are pre-planned, it just means he is an all-knowing God, similar to say you knowing what will happen if you throw a rock at a window, you haven't done it yet, but you know it will break the window if you do A game of chess lets say, you know what is going to happen 5 moves ahead, but you can easily change that outcome by altering one of your moves I don't see any link ?
Sid it is my belief sharing your life's experiences/views has equal validity to all others .. No thrusting required .. No proof needed .. It is my perception if solid evidence were a requirement to expressing your personal experiences or views the world would be silent more often then not .. Allowing others to respectfully express themselves is the nature of meaningful conversation/debate .. It is my perception because someone can not prove something to your satisfaction does not make what they have to say have any less value in a conversation .. You may see it differently .. I can accept that .. However the sharing of my thoughts here as long as I respect the rules of the forum is my choice .. I value what you have to say Sid .. I say this just so you are aware of that
@ mrmagic, life is no chessgame.. if you change one of your moves, so does the opponent, and the outcome will probabably be just the same.. btw, folks, i see the word nazi flying around here more often then i would like.. afik, and hope and pray, there are no nazis here, so please do not call your fellow members by that hateful name.. even if you happen to disagree with them.. thank you..