Query Tool (QT) You will find the download link and the password in that link above Note some AV's will grab and flag it as a virus etc , it a false positive it just the way it has been compiled into an exe for ease of use.
Thanks, edited my post with a screen using Query tool. But i noticed something strange is that the tool shows the MSDM key as not valid, why ? i'm going now to do another test by implementing a OEM:-DM key to see if the same message will appear with the tool.
it shows it as not valid because it is not a proper MSDM key, a genuine MSDM key has a particular 'signature' like checksum which a normal retail key will always fail as it not got that 'signature' As long as it works that is just a cosmetic thing.
I will adjust the wording in the QT on the next release (in progress) to say 'Not a valid MSDM Key Signature' (if i can fit it in the space i have set aside for that line) edit: It a bit tight on that line so used {Sig} as a short hand indicator.
Purely cosmetic in this case as it was an inserted Retail key which fails the checksum/signature test, nothing to worry about as long as it activates. With a genuine MSDM key it passes the checks.