[INFO - DISCUSSION + Downloads] Windows 10 1809 FINAL b 17763.xxx (PC) [RS5]

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Enthousiast, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. emikaadeouser

    emikaadeouser MDL Member

    Feb 27, 2018
    KB4462930 is not CU, it's an update for Adobe Flash Player.
    CU is KB4464330
    For users who previously installed 17763.1 when it was officialy available for download:
    17763.1 + CU (KB4464330) = 17763.55
  2. tenninjas

    tenninjas MDL Novice

    Sep 16, 2010
    Did you compare if any difference between this way and integrate SSU (KB4465477) and CU (KB4464330) on 17763.1 ISO? I think KB4462930 is not CU but flash player update?
  3. Polo6RGTI

    Polo6RGTI MDL Junior Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    I have a work around for the "Open with" bug, it seems to only affect portable programs. So the best solution at the moment is to use the installer version of an affected program. In my case Foxit reader portable is affected. After I installed Foxit reader I could again select the portable version as the default pdf reader.
  4. EaglePC

    EaglePC MDL Expert

    Feb 13, 2012
    in my previous post above about the start menu so i fresh install again what's this in oobe , i think i wait a month MS is playing around still or maybe install without internet

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  5. S.Ahmad

    S.Ahmad MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2018
    #1985 S.Ahmad, Oct 11, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
  6. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    no difference.
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  7. alessiomagliozzi

    alessiomagliozzi MDL Novice

    Aug 9, 2012

    I have this problem for two days, I have already done three installations of version 1809. Not happy I tried the old version 1803 and the start menu is not complete here too .... I enclose screenshot

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  8. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    #1988 Thomas Dubreuil, Oct 11, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2018
    use layoutmodifications.xml...It may have been documented here at MDL already, but in case:
    Customize your start menu and (in PS):
    Export-StartLayout -Path C:\TEMP\LayoutModification.xml
    Copy LayoutModification.xml file to the 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell' folder

    You can also set these keys:

    ps: Note that if you also set ContentDeliveryAllowed = 0 there, as I saw recommended in few places, you won't be able to deploy immersive shell with
    Get-AppxPackage -allusers | foreach {Add-AppxPackage -register "$($_.InstallLocation)\appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode}
    So, in case immersive shell is broken and it shows error at deployment, the advice is to first verify this 'ContentDeliveryAllowed' value.

    ps2: You may have to delete the TileDataLayer folder from 'C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local' also (this one I'm not sure, surely @abbodi1406 knows better)

    ps3: one can also delete unwanted appx with DISM++ , and instead of setting the PreInstalledAppsEnabled keys, just delete unwanted appx packages from ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository (with Nsudo) so that they can't be deployed again.
    And if you ever have leftovers/corrupted unremovable apps, I gave a solution in DISM++ thread to clean your apprepository. ;)
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  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Yes, i believe i've posted that when it was possible to do again, 10240 had all target editions and iirc they were available again in 1803 or was it 1709?
    Base wim contains Home, Home N, 2019 LTSC and N 2019 LTSC:
     1. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     2. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     3. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home N x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     4. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home N x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     5. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     6. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     7. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional N x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     8. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional N x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     9. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     10. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     11. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education N x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     12. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education N x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     13. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     14. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     15. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education N x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     16. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education N x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     17. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     18. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     19. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation N x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     20. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation N x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     21. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     22. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     23. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     24. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     25. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise 2019 LTSC x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     26. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise 2019 LTSC x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     27. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N 2019 LTSC x86 nl-NL (17763.55) x86"
     28. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N 2019 LTSC x86 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x86"
     29. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     30. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     31. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home N x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     32. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Home N x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     33. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     34. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     35. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional N x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     36. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Professional N x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     37. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     38. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     39. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education N x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     40. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Education N x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     41. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     42. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     43. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education N x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     44. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Education N x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     45. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     46. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     47. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation N x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     48. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Pro-Workstation N x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     49. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     50. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     51. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     52. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     53. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise 2019 LTSC x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     54. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise 2019 LTSC x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
     55. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N 2019 LTSC x64 nl-NL (17763.55) x64"
     56. "Win 10 (1809 RS5) Enterprise N 2019 LTSC x64 nl-NL (17763.55 - MRP) x64"
  10. lucidus

    lucidus MDL Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    I installed notepad++ and sumatrapdf and installing didn't make a difference. Open with still needed to be done twice with their respective extensions like txt, log, pdf, cbr, etc. I installed 7zip and .zip wouldn't change at all unless I ran 7zfm as admin and forced the change (and a reg tweak to change the ugly icon). I even did a fresh install to test the installers. It's pretty badly broken for now.
  11. carmz

    carmz MDL Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2011
    Thank you all :)
  12. cuteee

    cuteee MDL Guru

    Oct 13, 2012
    Is already exists refresh ISO ?
  13. Thomas Dubreuil

    Thomas Dubreuil MDL Senior Member

    Aug 29, 2017
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  14. S.Ahmad

    S.Ahmad MDL Novice

    Oct 10, 2018
    #1994 S.Ahmad, Oct 11, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
  15. SAM-R

    SAM-R MDL Guru

    Mar 21, 2015
    My mistake. I copied down the wrong KB Number
  16. How hard is it for MS or anybody to understand that in the vast number of feedback, some very rare/important bugs/improvements may go unnoticed by users? in that case if MS criteria to take action on any feedback, is the number of up-votes/comments, then isn't ms making a mistake or lets say a stupid mistake?
    and if number of up-votes is not the criteria then why they didn't cover that feedback and asked followup question about the scenarios? or they just thought that the person who reported the deletion bug is just doing a prank?
    Their feedback hub seems like to work as complaint box at government offices, not taking it serious enough.
    I myself have reported many issues of w10 in feedback hub months ago and nobody cared about those issues. and yes they are real issues.
    besides that iirc their was a most upvoted post about removal of advertisement in start menu and auto downloading apps, and even it was most upvoted they don't give a fcuk, they just foolishly think that those advertisement and tons of unnecessary apps auto download and install is making user experience better.
  17. _alice

    _alice MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2015
    #1998 _alice, Oct 11, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2018
  18. ipx

    ipx MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2017
    #1999 ipx, Oct 11, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2022
  19. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Yesterday I started an old HP again after some few weeks. I use that machine to check HDD's mainly. Checking the WU and saw an Update to 1809! On all my other machine I get still updates for 1803 only.

    Ok, I've let that Update to 1809go and after 3.5h that was finished with all working. I was not on Build No 177xx.1 it was something else, the update was: KB4462930.

    Today I checked again, and a new Update was provided: KB4464330, and I updated that machine which went well and finishes after 30min. All went well, no any problems.

    Just to mention, it's an older HP DC5800 Microtower with Intel Quad Q9400 CPU 2.7GHz and 8GB DDR2 Ram. MB runs with SATA2 and USB2, I added a USB PCIe-1 Card for the external HDD Enclosure to use. So, overall not the fastest, but still good enough.

    On my other machines here at Home, like the Laptop, and 3 other Desktops, still no 1809 available via WU and checked with the MS-ISO Downloader, it still sends 1803! Nevermind on that HP all is working fine and I'm not in the hurry for to update those others, yet!
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