Hi Guys, I have a question about creating a bootable USB key using en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1903_x64_dvd_37200948.iso Ok so I want to remove all but the Enterprise and Pro versions so I can create a GPT usb key with RUFUS the current install.wim is to large. I usually use the .ESD and ESD-Decrypter wimlib-47 to do this creating a much small .iso which I can then use with Rufus. My question, is there a similar program I can use on the .iso or any other way I can accomplish this. Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated,
Hi guys, how do I do to replace the original wim inside the consumer iso, with the new one created? I can't delete install wim inside original iso. Many thanks in advance
Why don't you use ESD>WIM and select the indexes you want to compress to install.esd (ESD-Decrypter wimlib-47 is meant for ESD>ISO conversion)? Or this tool: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-install-esd-install-swm-creation-tool.78925/ And just extract the iso to a FAT32 formatted USB key.
Hi guys, For an existing Windows 7 installation, to format and do a clean install of Windows 10 from ISO/USB. Is there still a way to get a valid license for Windows 10 from the Windows 7 system? Was it using gatherosstate somehow?
what command would I use to include multiple SourceIndex:1 SourceIndex:3 and SourceIndex:5 I want Enterprise, Education and Pro editions on my install.wim Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated,
Yes, by full upgrade or by gatherosstate.exe/genuineticket.xml manually (when you don't want to do the full upgrade).
Answered when you asked first: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...16-379-437-pc-rs5.77945/page-276#post-1519406 And here you can find the explanation on how to export the desired indexes to a new install.wim: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...16-379-437-pc-rs5.77945/page-275#post-1519085 & https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...16-379-437-pc-rs5.77945/page-275#post-1519097
Thanks so gatherosstate.exe/genuineticket.xml method still works. If it is Windows 7 Home can only install Windows 10 Home, Windows 7 Pro is needed for Windows 10 Pro? Or can the genuineticket.xml be used to install any version of Windows 10 somehow? Like Enterprise?
An activated Win 7 Pro or Ultimate = 10 Pro HWID An activated Win 7 HomePremium (+ basic probably too) = 10 Home HWID
Thanks. So with a 10 Pro HWID, is it any way possible to activate a Volume edition like Enterprise? I know using KMS_VL_ALL can do it for Volume editions but is it possible to have permanently activated Enterprise just with HWIDs?
what's the best installation media ? windows 10 iso with install.wim or install.esd ? I prefer ESD becuz of smaller size but does it cause any problems like not booting in some old machines or motherboards ?? for example a windows 7 iso with install.esd will not boot in Compaq Presario CQ57 and gives an error then pc restars but setup works well with install wim so does windows 10 have these kinds of issues or not ?
On 8/10 it doesn't matter if the iso contains an install.wim, install.esd or multiple install.swm's. Booting is not done from the install.xxx. Windows 7 doesn't support install.esd use, so the boot.wim/setup.exe have to be modified/replaced. Here is a windows 7 tool that creates aio iso's with install.esd but the boot.wim mainly still is 7, if you have hardware that had problems with installing windows 7 with install.esd using a windows 10 boot.wim, could you try the iso, the simplix aio iso tool creates? https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...pack-aio-iso-with-install-esd-creation.79421/
you didn't get me @Enthousiast I know all what you said, the iso with esd that gives the error in that particular motherboard is just fine, I did all the modification so it does support esd and tested it's working on virtualbox and my laptop very well; but it gives the error in the other laptop of my friend, it's not the question of supporting esd in windows 7 installation media, this is normal and known and i know what message box appear exactly in that situation, but it's not the case, it's like that laptop doesn't support 8.1 and 10 so it doesn't recognize the boot files inside the installation media because they are different from windows 7 boot files which don't support esd
Never heard of such a specificly locked down hardware, but all is possible. That's why i asked to try an iso, created by the mentioned tool, the boot.wim it creates still is basically win 7. EDIT, i've seen people here with OS'less or Linux only systems, who wouldn't boot win 7, because of their lack of a CSM, windows 7 x64 needs it to work on UEFI.
@Enthousiast it's possible and logical to happen because that hardware came out before even there is windows 8.1 or 10 so how it should support it, no way the installation media I used is just a normal windows 7 iso with a modified boot.wim from it plus some files from windows 8.1 boot (method from a post here) i just want to make sure when using esd with windows 10 that I don't face such problems because it takes too much time again to convert the esd to wim than recreate the installation media and make the bootable usb before actually install the os .. etc
Check for a bios update, or use multiple install.swm files (split wim) if you want to be able to fit it on a FAT32 formatted USB.
i use rmprepusb and easy2boot, can boot from a ntfs flash drive just fine xD what are swm files i never used or needed that !!?
Code: Dism /Split-Image /ImageFile:x:\install.wim /SWMFile:y:\install.swm /FileSize:3500 The filesize can be bigger, but 3500 is always safe for fat32 usb. But when size doesn't matter, why not just use the original iso with install.wim, considering this is what i answered too in the first place: