Anyone have a torrent for this latest version? The download speed from there is super slow. It says it would take me 8 hours to download it. Thanks!
Is it possible to install the latest updates with the LTSC? For example, if there would be an october 2019 update which has great features that I need. Could you install it on the LTSC? Thanks in advance!
Nonsense! He can(!) inplace-upgrade his LTSC with the latest feature upgrade version (1903 for example) without problems. I did exactly that a week ago. He just wont be on LTSC anymore then.
Which is exactly the point. He wanted to install the updates but stay on LTSC. Which is simply impossible. Updates are incompatible between releases. 19H2 updates don't work with LTSC (1809). It's all or nothing.
Thanks guys. I will install education then. It has less crap too and if i want to, i can do feature updates.
All sku's have 2 feature updates per year (all are just a license switch from eachother, except home/csl), except LTSB/C Imho, LTSB/C is not representative for windows 10, because they don't contain store, many normal global users use it in the non LTSB/C installs.
You can't compare Enterprise/Education to Pro/Home. It has no "candy crush" crap for example. And you can stop the feature upates too if you want. So Euducation is not bad at all.
But it has Windows Store (of course you can delete it), but if you want the real LTSC feeling then you had to install LTSC.