Hi guys, the tool does not download the key to decrypt the ESD, with esd-decrypter-wimlib-39.7z using update_esd_cryptokey_data.cmd
There is no encryption/decryption, not been there since 15063 / 1703 was released. v39 has all older RSA's in.
OT, can anyone suggest me the best HDD defragmentation software for Windows 10 that can run intelligent defragmentation in the background, Searched over the internet & I am a bit confused with so many of them out there hence asking here.
finished to download "iso" using mediatool batch file... exploring the ISO created there are: boot.wim and install.esd (not wim)... is all right?
Mine is an i7 Dell Ultrabook 16GB RAM business model. GPU is built-in Intel HD Graphics (older 4400).
I've already installed that on my desktop & didn't see such of an issue so that's why I asked presuming that you're using it on notebook more likely, I am yet to install this on my personal notebook, let's see
Try O&O Defrag or Perfect Disk. I use Perfect Disk and have for years..... never a issue and works great!
It worked right away when I did this with a mounted ISO instead of starting the upgrade from a share with the files in it. It didn't really come to my mind, that this could make the difference.. PfW 1809 up and running
Yes, I get the same behavior here, but only for new extensions. Already existing file extensions will not associate with an application that is not in the list of choices that appear in settings, no matter how many times you try to associate it through file explorer.
No. Both works the same way for me. Of course I upgraded from 1803 and maybe things are different for me. Will try on a fresh 1809 installation if I have a chance.
This is the problem of having fixed time cycles for product release so you need to release it as it is and fix it with updates.
Most likely it is your accent color under Settings, Personalization, Colors. You probably have a very bright color and the boxes are checked for both Start, taskbar, and action center and Title bars and window borders. Try a dark gray or dark blue, or uncheck the two options.