I had problem with Internet Explorer - Export favorites to file : It's export it only half of the favorites and in the end of the exporting I get error message. So I find a solution : I'm import favorites of IE to Edge, Export them to a file and delete them (with on click) from Edge.
What special in RTM build that you see all the changes were done and we didn't notice about them (Or part of them) in IP builds.
This still isn't fixed in 17763.1: Known issues Task Manager is not reporting accurate CPU usage. Arrows to expand “Background processes” in Task Manager are blinking constantly and weirdly
And adding to this further, while we have early access to 17763.1 there is nothing that stops them from releasing another build just like with 1803 17133.1 vs 17134.1 Until we are 100% certain that 17763.1 will be the build that is released to the world and public there will not be any cumulative updates released until then.
I just enable it from the Windows Features menu and it works all the time. Everyone can scan to their shared folders and share the files between each other without a problem.
17133 got a CU before they released 17134. Unless a major bug is found that can't be corrected through a CU, this will be the build.
Anyone else having issues reading GPU usage with third party software like GPU-z or msi afterburner or even AIDA64 after upgrading/clean install 1809? GPU usage works in the AMD adrenalin control panel, but doesn't seem to work with third party softwares.
17133 got a normal CU, the show stopper bug was found by an OEM and was not fixed by the CU, it was fixed by retracting 17133 and releasing a totally new compiled 17134.1. Every new windows release got a ZDP or just a CU at or shortly after GA.