I didn't know where to ask this but I've been searching around the forums and stumbled upon this solution to have a hwid activation of windows 10. Does this still work? 1. Install 8.1 Pro and activate with a KMS solution. 2. Upgrade to windows 10 Pro build 10586 aka 1511 (select to keep nothing), it will show being MAK activated. 3. To have it show being HWID activated you could enter the generic Pro HWID key, ending on 3V66T (not needed because the next step will show being HWID activated anyway). 4. Either clean install, or upgrade to, a more current windows 10 Pro build and it will show being HWID activated.
Yes, it's actually your post. I'm currently installing windows 8.1 pro from microsoft website and found windows 10 v. 10586 from softlay. But I'm still wondering about a couple of things. Which newer windows 10 should i opt for after upgrading from 10586, there are so many? What kms solution should i use upgrading 8.1? When upgrading from 8.1 to 10 what do you mean by keep nothing?
I don't know what softlay is, if it's a p2p/torrent release i would advise to not use it. I always did this by installing 8.1 Pro KMS_VL_ALL by @abbodi1406 (KMSpico or MTK shouls also work). Create a PRO only 10586 ISO (clean MSDN) and use it to upgrade. Next i would advise to just install the most current official Consumer Pro release (17763.1 at this moment).
Never seen it on any pc or vm I've upgrade, multi-account, or with user user files on OS drive and outside it. I wonder what condition can make it happen, it's too soon to discard it. The amazingly stupid thing on that article, is that it doesn't even tell users do download and run the recovery on another machine and pen drive, potentially causing affected machines to do more write operations on the drives to recover (not to mention ideally doing it with the affected drives on another PC to avoid booting from them and avoid extra writes).