Hi @Sajjo Yes. thank you very much I share your opinion that it is better to have a good non-original than no image. thanks again.
Of course. And if others prove me dead-wrong in my opinion I would be happy non the less. I am curious of the origin of these 2 images, i'll ask you in a convo. Kind regards
Time encoding was one of the things that I didn't like but I didn't checked the area with Poweriso... - nice Same, it almost looks to perfect. There is one minor thing i've noticed, i can expand on that in a convo.
have only valid CD's (Russian) Win95 Code: E839F22E2AE4C9DA3DA770D707DC2684DEDC5422 *[RUS] win95_CCP-Upgrade___cd_type02_19951002.iso 499D8C56ED747929CCD49EDCD5167634306891A7 *[RUS] win95_OEM-Companion_cd_type09_00000000.iso B13BE6F766EC2771D77DFA2CC0A7E9311C2D5379 *[RUS] win95_OEM_StartsHere-How&Why__19960610.iso Win95_A (SP1 aka OSR1) Code: [RUS] still MISSING Win95_B (OSR2) Code: CC8FACEBC2FC778737910040CE00DFA68AC05DE1 *[RUS] win95b_osr2.1_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_19970501.iso Win95_C (OSR2.5) Code: [RUS] still MISSING
There is another question appering in my mind: Back in 1995/96/97, would there be the same amount of releases in, say, Russia (or any country) at that same time/level/amount as it was in US? Do we know, for sure? Just posting opinions...
@vanelle link removed the files are downloaded from torrent (RuTracker) In the renamed archive Windows 95 Russian OEM.rar Maybe it will interest you. Is it possible to restore the Windows 95 OEM - FULL version? [From this Archive + ISO Image (win95_OEM-Companion_cd_type09_00000000.iso) = Windows 95 OEM - FULL Russian ???]
win95 language releases Code: ARABIC\ARABIC.ENA\ ARABIC\ARABIC.LOC\ BASQUE\ BRAPORT\ CATALAN\ CZECH\ DANISH\ DUTCH\ FINNISH\ FRENCH\ GERMAN\ GREEK\ HEBREW\ HUNGARY\ IBERPORT\ ITALIAN\ JAPAN\JAPAN_98\ JAPAN\JAPAN_AT\ KOREAN\ NORWAY\ PANEURO\ POLISH\ RUSSIAN\ SLOVAK\ SLOVENIA\ SPANISH\ SWEDISH\ THAI\ TURKISH\ VIETNAM\ SIMPCHIN\ TRADCHIN\ No, it is currently not possible !! win95 first release iso's compiled - with TRACE (ENLIGHTEN CD-ROM PRODUCTS), DISCOMPOSER 1.0 - with CEQUADRAT ISO 9660 FORMATTER SERIAL NUMBER 0 (C) 1993 BY CEQUADRAT AACHEN GERMANY - with unknown cdimage versions (iso headers can't be replicated by the patched cdimage 2.xx versions) - with CDIMAGE V1.15 (or v1.xx) - (iso headers can't be replicated by the patched cdimage 2.xx versions)
Defect: cs_windows_95_oem_0BD3948593E95BE6A472DFE8AA7F787BB304C07A.iso <- defect file: ADMIN\RESKIT\HELPFILE\WIN95RK.HLP Valid: 21707C53AF41FD543582734AC2B500541518C895 *[CSY] win95_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_00000000.iso Invalid: tw_windows_95b_osr2.0_DEE4346E10049D84D68735284E6F4B7A2C0EC52D.iso <- edit with Poweriso Valid: A730E73161B4E8504AE91C8BCEDD9BE02F3DB26A *[CHT] win95b_osr2.0_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_19961018.iso Invalid: sv_windows_95b_osr2.0_ED9BD7B545ED44262D378B0FBA5ACD2742EE3CC0.iso <- homebrew / iso-header manual edited - to much emty sectors (2048 0x00 bytes)
cn_windows_95b_osr2.0_missing valid: F6B351D15C9DF173DC7CE1A4C71CDFC992FC599B *[CHS] win95b_osr2.0_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_19961101.iso
ja_windows_95b_osr2.0_missing Valid: F17C4725464F0AF571D7ABDF9D58C62919B09F19 *[JPN] win95b_osr2.0_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_19960905.iso (no Artwork)
nl_windows_95b_osr2.0_missing Valid: 4EB91B8C60DED6DF70CC7E4B74710A671E66E30C *[NLD] win95b_osr2.0_OEM-FullSetup_cd_type09_00000000.iso
That also seems to be the case with some CDIMAGE v2.xx versions Look at: a6745461b09ea6d3b1863a4bfb2343c6d280f213 *NORWIN95.iso | CDIMAGE V1.15 cce73b4df8911725e4f2c0aff5b1f81819065b5a *NORWIN95A.iso | CDIMAGE V2.04 bdf06e39aca1e31aa55db60c01bb0b9d00a01966 *WIN95_OPKIE.iso | CDIMAGE V2.03 bdf5aa5145f232571d6bfb7f03cf2d25637b7292 *WIN95B_FRPLUS.iso | CDIMAGE V2.04 82001129210e47ac89c6f307f4dfc8c2bb470731 *MSP_OEMC.iso | CDIMAGE V2.05
yes, CDIMAGE V2.04 and all versions < V2.04 CDIMAGE > V2.04 can be recompiled (apart from some trial versions that also use AutoCRC on the UDF file system <- very rare)