Install Windows 11 without internet

Discussion in 'Windows 11' started by SunnyBunny, Aug 18, 2024.

  1. SunnyBunny

    SunnyBunny MDL Novice

    Apr 6, 2013
    Hello all

    I am trying to install Windows 11 in Virtualbox without internet.

    I read that there are multiple solutions like WinBootMate and so on that can modify the Windows ISO to remove the requirement to have internet during installation.

    Now I am wondering, are there also other solutions or ways to modify the ISO so that Windows 11 can be installed without internet connection and I can just make a local account ?

    I got the en-us_windows_11_consumer_editions_version_23h2_updated_may_2024_x64_dvd_3eaf6ec8.iso from os dot click and like to use Windows 11 Pro N as edition.

    Thank you for any help or pointers towards a solution.
  2. naxal

    naxal MDL Member

    May 15, 2014

    When you are at the screen for Microsoft Account sign in, press Shift+F10 to bring command prompt. Type the command oobe\BypassNRO and press enter, it will restart the installation, but dont let it complete the boot. As soon as it restarts, stop the VM, remove your network adapter, and then start the VM.

    Now the Installation will complain about no network but installation will continue and this time around it will allow you to create and sign into a local account.

    This is still working with even the latest July24 ISO. I have checked and installed.

    Refer here ->

  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You really only need any bypass when installing Home and i can't think of any reason you would install Home in vbox, all options are listed and explained in this sticky post:

    @naxal i will have to replace that OP with my linked post.
  4. SunnyBunny

    SunnyBunny MDL Novice

    Apr 6, 2013
    Thank you both for your help.

    I managed with shift F12 and oobe\BypassNRO.

    This works in a VM but also on a new hardware.

    But now on the hardware I installed Windows 11 Pro N on with this option, how can I enable the network adapter or connect to the internet once booted into Windows ?

    Can I assume that using this option Windows did not even install any generic drivers for the WIFI card /network hardware and hence they do not show up under Network and Internet > Network Connections ?

    Or did Windows block all use of any network adapter because shift F12 and oobe\BypassNRO was used during install ?
  5. Errepublika

    Errepublika MDL Senior Member

    Aug 18, 2021
    #5 Errepublika, Aug 18, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2024
    The OOBEBYPASSNRO command is used in the context of Windows 10 and Windows 11 installation to skip the need for a Microsoft account during system setup and set up a local account, all drivers will be installed as in a normal installation, network, graphics card...

    Skip network connection requirement: The command will allow you to skip the network connection step, which is required to avoid the obligation to log in with a Microsoft account.
    Set up local account: After executing the command, Windows will allow you to set up a local account instead of a Microsoft account.
  6. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    You mean SHIFT+F10

    1. Never install any N version, it is NOT a feature but a crippled version enforced by EU law, when running N versions you WILL run into future problems.
    2. Windows installs the drivers for all found and supported hardware, check the hardware in the device manager.
    It is a bypass, not a disabler,
  7. pm67310

    pm67310 MDL Guru

    Sep 6, 2011
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...