Installing and activating Windows 7 on various PCs

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by The Mole, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. The Mole

    The Mole MDL Junior Member

    May 2, 2014
    #1 The Mole, Jan 29, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2024

    If Windows 7 worked like 10/11 I’d buy another cheap key, just that M$ with 7 want all this Telephone stuff and the OEM key activation I did have no longer works, maybe where changed HD etc.

    So SLIC is much easier if present.

    I had previously backed up the activation, but it failed.

    I might get a second key and just make an AOMEI Backup once installed properly. Not sure PC is that great, probably could find something else in worst scenario to emulate on.
  2. The Mole

    The Mole MDL Junior Member

    May 2, 2014
    #2 The Mole, Jan 29, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2024
    Ruddy PC also has USB 3 ports, so got to build an iso too in order to get keyboard and mouse and boot Rufus USB. My PE USB already has the drivers…. It does have USB 2.0 too but less easy to access.

    If it freezes again tomorrow (still hot gpu even changing heatsink stuff), I might find a Plan B.
  3. The Mole

    The Mole MDL Junior Member

    May 2, 2014
    Gone to Silicon Heaven. The CPU Fan is dead and so temps were saying 141 degrees. Cannot easily fix and so binned.
    Got an Inspiron 11-3162 P24T too. Has a SLIC but a 32 GB eMMc. Windows 7 does not see this drive. Plus horrible BIOS booting setup. Think will be joining it!
    Cannot find an eMMc driver that works with Windows 7. Windows 10 will work, but no room to update, not all drivers found and it's slow. eMMc is a horrid 32 GB chip.
    Think going to take a hammer to it, keep fiddling with it over the months and waste of time. Was hoping to make it work as a Spectrum. Too much chicken and egg scenario. ie need that bit but cannot get that bit because need that bit first but cannot see what that bit is because need that bit installed.
  4. The Mole

    The Mole MDL Junior Member

    May 2, 2014
    Plan B…
    32 GB eMMC and SLIC 2.1, but Windows 7 will not go on this machine. No driver. So, gave up and used Windows 10 - normally not great for this, but seems not too bad. Tweaked registry to enable the cpu flaws deprotection (running it offline). That gives better speed.
    Amstrad CPC, Spectrum, BBC B, C64, Sega Megadrive. Few silly games…
    A500 Mini on HDMI 2.

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