@Sajjo Installed your contribution, it's exactly like any other version, hit and miss if it will accept a password, I'm only using microsoft email accounts, they fork around with things on the backend, want people to pay for a new office, to run on a new windows. Not bloody likely...
@Oz So, in short, it didn't work? Oki. "my contribution" is only clean from Microsoft. But thank you very much. You was able to install it on Windows 7 (the way I interpret it), that was the primary goal of this thread...? Correct me if i'm wrong. Kind regards
Yeah, I appreciate your upload Sajjo thanks. I have assumed something, obviously I was wrong. Used office since version 1995 but not outlook since it's a terrible over complicated program. Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail was more than enough for me But they keep stuffing around forcing upgrades. So now in a situation were using a hotmail.com/ outlook.com account is nearly impossible when USING A MICROSOFT OUTLOOK ACCOUNT IN WINDOWS 7 Have been using eM Client for years with a Gmail account, they manage to make things work, but not Microsoft. Microsoft email works great in eM Client as well
Yeah, I understand why, will probably tryout eM Client only for a while. Never liked Outlook Have to check if Office 2003 is still any good EDIT: Office 2010 with excel and word plus patched eM client seems to do what is required.
Office 2019 is too slow on my Windows 7 PC. If possible, switch to LIbreOffice or access your files (assuming they're not complex) via your Hotmail (Outlook) account and OneDrive.
eM Client is probably the best you can get which is similar to Outlook but not as feature rich. Otherwise, Mozilla Thunderbird is what I would suggest.
Or download office 2019 perpetual build 1808 from jully 2023 ( last branch and build to run on windows 7 ) you can use this branch to install 365 license 2002 Build branch are more recent but last update are january 2023...
When I was doing a search, I found that 16.0.13530.20528 is the latest Office 2019 build, can be installed on top of Windows 7 If anyone was successful with higher, let us know how, please.
@kibkalo Version 1808 (build 10400.20007) are the lastest update ( 2023.09 ) for fonctionnality latest are 2002 from 2023.01 to install use yaoctru and yaoctri 2) I follow the GitHub link and see api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll for Blender on Win7. So I am to install it and what is my next step? put 2 dll to respective folder ( system32 and syswow64 ) install with abbodi yaoctri ( script section on MDL ) 3) Where to read difference in branches (2002 are based on office 365 build ) 1808 are official office 2019 perpetual branch and the are the most up to date for security fix
Given up on this now. Run a VirtualBox with Win10 crap with Office 2024/ 365 or whatever it's called. What a pile of s**t, but I get my emails. Also a patched Em Client does get emails via IMAP, yet IMAP doesn't work in Office 2013 to get Hotmail accounts, go figure.