Should I try Integrate7 again with the win7 and win10 iso and put uefiseven after? I did this before with no luck :/
No, first we need to get your Win7 to boot. Did you see UEFISeven log on screen before starting Windows appeared?
No, it just did the loading windows thing like when you boot it from DVD, unless I'm doing it wrong? i just put the efi file where it should be and renamed the original one.
Try to also rename cdboot.efi to cdboot.original.efi and put UefiSeven bootx64.efi to the same folder as cdboot.original.efi and rename bootx64.efi to cdboot.efi
I tried that too but I just get as far as ''Windows is loading files'' and then starting windows but it stays on that screen forever, should I try integrate 7 and do the thing with cdboot and bootx64? maybe it'll work but for some reason with the clean 7 iso it won't even go to the installation screen. i doubt it's because of rufus too
Actually Windows 11 can still boot without TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot, but not install unless you are bypassed these requirements
Yeah, but if you bypass TPM 2.0, Secure Boot and UEFI requirements, even does not need support of Secure Boot