Installing Windows 7 on the pure UEFI systems without CSM

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by PrimeExpert Software, Jan 2, 2020.

  1. ralf ralf

    ralf ralf MDL Member

    May 11, 2017
    #441 ralf ralf, Jun 20, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    Hello everyone,

    I have again dealt with the topic of dual boot Win7 (without CSM)/Win10. Now I have a solution that is satisfactory for me and is relatively simple, provided you use an additional program Emergency Boot Kit!

    Of course you also need WIN10 Bootstick(should be clear) and the 2 programs EasyUEFIV5.5 freetrail and

    1. prepare a bootstick with Emergency Boot Kit pro(EMBKp)(Wonderful work on you guys!)
    2. prepare bootstick for WIN7 UEfi (for example with FlashbootPro which is highly recommended,awesome Tool)
    3. run Win7 Installtion Bootstick and let the program create partitions automatically.(You are still in Win7 installation mode)
    4. delete the primary partition for WIN7 again (You are still in Win7 installation mode)
    5. now create a 500MB partition (later for EFi PArtition WIn10) without formatting(You are still in Win7 installation mode)
    6. halve the remaining hard disk capacity as you want WIN7 and WIn10(You are still in Win7 installation mode)
    7. have Win7 installed in the corresponding partition (previously halved)(You are still in Win7 installation mode)
    8. boot EMBKp and format the 500MB partition with VFAT
    9.Change GUID to EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (basic data partition) with EMBKp on the 100MB partition(EFI)
    10. Change GUID to C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B with EMBKp on the 500MB PArtition
    11. now perform Win10 bootstick installation on the halved remaining partition and wait for the complete installation automatically
    12. now you can only boot Win10.
    13. install EasyUEFIV5.5 freetrail on WIn10 and unpack on Win10
    14. use EasyUEFIV5.5 to install refind on the 500MB partition and set refind to first place in the boot order.
    15. ready!!!! Now reboot and you can directly select which operating system you want to boot. This method works perfectly and has been tested several times by!
    16. another note on activating Win7:
    Use EMBKp to change the GUID of the 100MB partition back to EFI partition (500MB basic partition again) then activate. Then reset everything again steps 9 and 10!!! After that everything is ready and rEFInd finds the patched bootloader to load Win7!
    17. activate WIN10 normally

    WELL DONE!!!:)

    This may read and seem a bit complicated but just follow the plan and WIN7(without CSM)/win10 is no longer a problem on a hard disk!!!!

    With Refind, it is always possible to choose between operating systems when starting the computer. Refind also automatically hangs on the last choice of operating system, so you don't have to choose and refind automatically starts the selected operating system after a few seconds waiting time. If you do want to start the other operating system, you always have enough time to react!
  2. rcsocket

    rcsocket MDL Novice

    Jun 24, 2024
    W7 UEFI GPU not working

    MSI AMD B650m UEFI mobo, Ryzen 5 7600x cpu, RX560 gpu
    I dual boot w10/w7 on seperate m.2 drives.
    Have installed W7 using dism and flashboot bootmgfw.
    Have all drivers installed Ok except for wifi.

    The RX560 gpu works Ok on W10 but not on W7
    problem is that even tho the drivers for the radeon gpu
    are installed without error in device manager they do
    not appear to be communicating with the system.
    No graphic apps detect the gpu nor does DirectX.

    Is this because of Fastboot Int10 fix or just a feature of
    this gpu, would a different gpu work ? any info appreciated.
  3. ralf ralf

    ralf ralf MDL Member

    May 11, 2017
    WIN7 UEFI actually works normally with FlashbootPro without any other tools!!!
    Why you use dism, I don't know1

    The driver thing with WIN7 UEFi is strange. Int10 patch should have no influence, because it is generally valid at startup. In desktop mode the AMD driver will be active again. Why this driver does not work is a good question. Did you install the AMD driver after you installed WIN7 Uefi!!!?

    AMD also had 2 different driver packages, didn't they?
  4. rcsocket

    rcsocket MDL Novice

    Jun 24, 2024
  5. rcsocket

    rcsocket MDL Novice

    Jun 24, 2024
    Thanks for reply,
    Tried flashboot with usb but the stick would not even boot. The patch would not install either.
    I used an install wim with the basic usb3 drivers ect and used dism to install it to a prepared system partition a lot quicker than fafing about with a usb/dvd, takes less than a minute, build/populate the Efi partition and its good to go.

    Radeon drivers were installed using the latest W7 Adrenalin 22.6.21 install software without errors after W7 was up and running. (have tried older drivers but same problem)
    There was an earlier thread where someone had a similar problem with flashboot and the RX550 gpu not being detected but I can find little else.

    W7 is starting with the vgasave driver and not with the RX560 drivers.
    If you disable the vgasave driver W7 hangs at the startup logo so I'm sure the flashboot kernal patch is involved somehow or a mismatch with this particular Gpu series.
    I would like to use the Amd 6000 series which I believe is the last one that had W7 drivers
    but will it work ???
  6. casio4ever

    casio4ever MDL Member

    Mar 27, 2015
    What Is Your Version Of Bios Installed On Your Motherboard ?
  7. rcsocket

    rcsocket MDL Novice

    Jun 24, 2024
    Motherboard MSI mag B650m Mortar (MS-7D-76) V2
    Bios AMD A.C0 AGESA ComboAM5PI 04/03/2024

    Have tried booting with UefiSeven but W7 hangs on the startup logo
    Flashboot seems to be the only fix that works with this Mobo.

    Have tried booting with the amdwddmg.sys kernal driver in startup boot/system mode
    instead of manual with no change.
    There is a radeon popup every 5 min warning of OpenGL omission otherwise no
    errors reported at all.

    Does anyone know of an alternate GPU Nvida, Geforce etc that may work ?
  8. casio4ever

    casio4ever MDL Member

    Mar 27, 2015
  9. ralf ralf

    ralf ralf MDL Member

    May 11, 2017
    Flashboot pro works without problems! It has always worked. I am sure of it. Use Flashbootpro and it works without problems!
  10. Alexandros C. Couloumbis

    May 19, 2018
  11. gearman

    gearman MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2009
    Win7_Flashboot.PNG Flashboot pro does work.I can boot Win7 in UEFI mode no problems, except, there is no Aero effects.
    My AMD Radeon 6900xt is recognized, but I cannot get Aero to work.
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  12. gearman

    gearman MDL Novice

    Sep 12, 2009
    #453 gearman, Jul 14, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
    I believe it is.This is CSM disabled

    This shows UEFI only

    I will try that next
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  13. Alexandros C. Couloumbis

    May 19, 2018
    #454 Alexandros C. Couloumbis, Jul 14, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2024
    Interesting Bios options, but it's not clear if CSM is disabled. you may be booting in UEFI mode with CSM also enabled

    you may check if CSM is enabled while booting under UEFI by booting windows 7 without UefiSeven of FlashBoot

    windows 7 with latest available updates are able to boot under UEFI with CSM enabled just fine without any external help

    if CSM is disabled, windows 7 will never pass the welcoming logo screen. in that case, CSM is disabled. pushing the power button should gracefully shutdown windows 7.

    Edit: did you manage to find signed drivers for windows 7 for both RX 6900 XT & UHD 630 ?

    could you possibly share the results of dxdiag for RX 6900 XT & UHD 630 ?
  14. rcsocket

    rcsocket MDL Novice

    Jun 24, 2024
    Initial setup had the Ryzen 7600x IGU disabled and just Uefi boot.

    have discovered that if CSM and the IGU are enabled in bios that the RX560 Gpu is fully operational in W7. If disabled in bios then Amd RX drivers are installed but do not work.

    MSI Bios boot W7 with Fastboot efi patch
    Uefi or CSM with IGU enabled amd drivers loaded and working
    Uefi or CSM with IGU disabled amd drivers loaded but not working

    The Amd HDMIaudio driver is only loaded when IGU is enabled.(same for w10)
    May need to disable basic vga driver in device manager.

    Am intrigued as to why this should be, any ideas anyone ?
  15. Alexandros C. Couloumbis

    May 19, 2018
    you only need uefi7 or flashboot when CSM is either disabled or not available

    UEFI boot with CSM enabled works just fine on windows 7 with recent updates without any external help
  16. ralf ralf

    ralf ralf MDL Member

    May 11, 2017
    Hi primeExpert-Software,
    I have always used your tool Flashboot pro to install Windows 7 UEfi. It works great!!! Unfortunately the installation with USB keyboard never worked/the mouse worked anyway!!! I have now found out that the USB drivers from Simplix WinISO USB Boot stick work. Something goes wrong or doesn't work when mounting with your Flashboot Pro tool! I would like to know how to solve the problem now!???
  17. Alexandros C. Couloumbis

    May 19, 2018
    #459 Alexandros C. Couloumbis, Aug 15, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2024
    FWIW, natively UEFI (CSM on) booting a freshly build SiMPLiX AiO ISO on a i3-12100 along with a GTX 1050 works just fine. GPU drivers install and work just fine win7_i3-12100_uefi_csm_on.jpg

    booting with Flashboot Pro 3.3n to UEFI (CSM off) on this very same system results in an error (Code 12) on the GPU driver win7_i3-12100_uefi_csm_off.jpg

    for UEFI Class3 booting, I have to use RefindPlus for loading Flashboot Pro, otherwise I get a GOP error.

    Edit: the reason for this problem explained 3 years ago in this very thread page #4
    possible suggested solutions may be:
  18. Mstarter

    Mstarter MDL Novice

    Dec 18, 2023