Thanks, I have just downloaded it and yet did not put, he did not know that already with slic 2.1, activated Windows 7 ultimate without problems.
1. Rename the desired AMI BIOS file to AMIBOOT.ROM (ALL CAPITAL LETTERS) and save it on a blank floppy disk. for example. Rename 12345678.ROM to AMIBOOT.ROM 2. Insert this floppy disk in the floppy drive. Turn On the system 3. If no floppy access occurs press and hold Ctrl-Home to force update. Follow insructions on the screen and it will read the AMIBOOT.ROM file and recover the BIOS from the A drive. 4. When 4 beeps are heard you may remove the floppy disK
its a laptop :S Sony VGN-NS11S/S. There is no floppy and also the bios file is 2mb :S i tried to do that with USB Memory, SD Card, DVD, CD. But nothing happened. Pls help me.
I just discovered your bios is INSYDE and not AMI and so, here is the bios recovery -get the proper .FD file for your notebook, rename it to the first 4 digits and .BIN (ie: 30F3F2C.FD would become 30F3.BIN) -put newly named bin file on a fat16 or fat32 USB stick, plug it in the notebook -unplug notebook -remove battery -unit should be off, press and hold windows key and B -plug in AC power while holding those buttons -turn on notebook, let go of all buttons once LED lights come on -the notebook will beep every second, as it searches for the .bin file -if its filename matches your systems motherboard code, it will flash, and reboot -all is fixed
It isnt working. i send a screen shot of bios files. I dont think an insyde anymore. STR8 do the slic and its not opening :S
No its not working :S what i do wrong. is the keyboard works? i saw a file named AFUDOS :S am i right? damn it. maybe i have to send it to tech service of sony.