Well, I couldn't get the .FD file to load. I turned my U3 sandisk drive into a bootable disk, and put: 3059F17.FD FLAs**t.EXE 3114.BAT ...into the root of the drive, and I modified the bat file with my own .FD filename. When I execute the following command: flas**t 3059F17.FD /all ...I get the following error message and information: Current BIOS Model name: 3059 New BIOS Model name: Raven/Lassie 1.1 Protection: The ROM file is not match this platform. Error: The new image file is not support flash utility. The spelling and grammatical errors are accurate. Am I doing something wrong, using an old version of flas**t, or overlooking something?
Hi, sorry I haven't checked your RW at the very beginning - you actually do have already slic 2.1 in your system/bios so you do not need to flash the mod. But as far as this particular problem goes this is the first time i see it. Have you used any lo.ders?
In RW, it SLIC shows as 2.0, but I guess, if you say so, then I have 2.1. I HAVE used a lo*der, however, I used it on HDD A (The one I have in my laptop right now), and before I attempt to flash the BIOS, I just pop open the back, and throw in another HDD (HDD B) which has a clean install of W7, with RW installed on it, so I can check the BIOS mod after the success.
Well in the RW report you have posted I see slic 2.1. How do you know that you have 2.0? Did you post the right report?
When I flash the original one, I have no problem. I used, as you saw above, flas**t, to attempt to DOS-flash my BIOS, as it was stated to be safer. How would I flash my BIOS differently?
Ok, if you have no problem flashing the original one, then just try to substitute the bios file from the original package to the one from the mod and see what happens.
Okay. I replaced the file on the drive with the original, so I will swap the drives out and report back within 10 minutes. EDIT: I replaced the new BIOS file with the manufacturers' file and attempted to flash through flas**t. I dumped the results to a text file after attempting once. Insyde Flash Utility for InsydeH2O Version 1.2j Initializing File loading 0 % File loading 6 % File loading 12 % File loading 18 % File loading 25 % File loading 31 % File loading 37 % File loading 43 % File loading 50 % File loading 56 % File loading 62 % File loading 68 % File loading 75 % File loading 81 % File loading 87 % File loading 93 % File loading 100 % File loading 100 % Current BIOS Model name : 3059 New BIOS Model name : Raven/Lassie 1.1 Current BIOS version: F.17 New BIOS version: F.17 Protection: The ROM file is not match this platform. Error: The new image file is not support flash utility.