Thank you, it's been blacklisted (the key) for a coupla months already if not longer EDIT: sorry I actually didn't know this - confused Dell with Lenovo - thank you for heads up![/QUOTE] I am having difficulty finding info about this. Can you verify if other mfg. key works with most all Slic 2.1, or whether Slic table must match both the cert and key? Or, should I be in another forum for this question?
I'm not sure if understand the question correctly. Lenovo key has been blacklisted since sometime around the end of February and now you said that Dell one is blacklisted also. Other than that it's all working so far. The only thing is that we do recommend to use the best matching brand-slic-key combos on users machines. E.g. Sony - Sony slic 2.1 - Sony OEM-SLP key, so it's safer this way just in case M$ decides to to do i little check up with one of its updates. I think it's pretty easy to flag a computer (lets take Sony again) with Dell slic in its bios and Lenovo key on top of it. You know what i'm saying Why not to be on the safe side and use the right components (when it's possible) from the very beginning.
Why not to be on the safe side and use the right components (when it's possible) from the very beginning.
So, it is not possible to mod?! I know the bios is pretty old, but can't I "put" the SLIC into it? Thanks.
I really doubt it, but if you re-post the download link (i'm not able to use the one you gave) i'll take a closer look at it.