1. str8

    str8 MDL Expert

    Jul 3, 2009
    You have to provide a direct download link for the bios you want modded.
  2. Merlin1300

    Merlin1300 MDL Novice

    May 22, 2010
    Hi - Str8:
    Thanks for the reply and the BIOS Mod (post 4028 / 4030).
    Before I load it though, I will need to create and test the Crisis disk so I can unbrick my machine should the unthinkable happen - so it might be a day or two before I get to try it - will post after & let you know what happens. :cool:
    Please let me know what you use to uncompress / recompress the BIOS firmware
    and if you have to rename the ***.fd module to ***.BIN (or some such) before you can decompress it.
    If this has been answered before (I couldn't find it for the Insyde based HP ***.fd modules), please just point me in the right direction.
    Thanks!! :worthy:
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  3. Merlin1300

    Merlin1300 MDL Novice

    May 22, 2010
    Appreciate the pointer regarding 'Crisis Reflash"
    Please let me know how to use the EzH2O program to find and modify the HEX info within the BIOS.
    I do have the EzH2O program, but couldn't find the whitelist module with the device codes, and couldn't find out how to locate the correct spot to patch. I couldn't see any way to actually see the HEX code in EzH2O - it only looked like it wanted to remove or replace entire code module blocks within the BIOS structure.
    I don't have WinHEX, but do have EditPad Pro (if either is needed?)
    I believe the Insyde BIOS is compressed using the LZMA algorithm - which is why you can't find any specific data within the BIOS using a plain HEX editor (like searching for a text string). This is supported by the inclusion of the LZMAdll.dll among the EzH2O files. I was hoping to find a method to decompress the BIOS file to get a better look at it.
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  4. abc138

    abc138 MDL Novice

    May 23, 2010
    Thanks for your help all, this forums is great!!!
  5. btfsc

    btfsc MDL Novice

    Oct 6, 2007
    #4028 btfsc, May 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  6. Nyirvis

    Nyirvis MDL Novice

    May 22, 2010
    Please help mod sony vaio vgn-fw31m laptop to slic 2.1
    Bios link: not exist on oficial web site
    MODE: sony vaio vgn-fw31m (pcg-3f1m)
    Bios Type: INSYDE
    BIOS VER: 2.0, need slic 2.1 to activate windows 7
  7. leonidos696

    leonidos696 MDL Novice

    Mar 14, 2010
    "Emulated" is just a term

    Well, thank you for yor answer, but it's mod BIOS or only emulation? I remove my HDD and run all those softwatres, all see SLIC 2.1. LITTLE CONFUSED. Please help!