if u mean the lenovo tools that u're askin in the previous page I guess it will be the same result, gimme some time to search the sollution, please be patient friends, sorry if I cant help u by now!
I mean if someone patch the hp marker tools to bypass platform check, is it safe to use or even posible to use. please take ur time to find the solution and thank you for your time and effort. hatur nuhun nya kang
eh orang indonesia nya, aduuuuh janten isin, ok bro I'll test in my friend's store, hope there's some lappy match ur model.
Thanks for the replies guy. But i dont want to try and brick my laptop. Think i will wait for the one which will release for the same model.
Glad it work for u, but could u describe to us how u enable ur SLP? I use the tools without problems, I'm curious why U've had so many problems with the SLP marker?
yes, I've test with the same model like u (n also free dos preinstalled). I'll try again cpablob, hope I can get some sollution for u!
I dont remember exactly, I just reflash my bios with original one then play with all marker tools and one of the tools work and i can use "G" options. maybe the first time I update my bios causing hp marker tools wont work.
oh gumz, I've allready told u, all u have to do is flashing with the latest bios (original not mods) n then update the marker with hp slp marker, but glad u've found the methode n it's work,