TTAV134 I love you . All three versions work correctly. I'm using V3 so I can disable Hyperthreading THANK YOU SO MUCH.
that's strange, when "Advanced menu" and "Power menu" are together you have a black screen. Can you test the original mod to be sure. thanks for your comprehension.
TTAV134 I thank you for your hard work. I tried the original BIOS you sent me but I can get into BIOS but if I save any changes it crashes and I can't go back into BIOS unless I reflash. I'm currently using the version you sent with Settings unlocked and power.
may be by following step by step his method. note: if you are working with a dumped bios it MUST be a dump of YOUR machine
Of course it was bios from my machine, from hidden partition HP_tool on HDD. The question is that guy haven't specify any .sig files. Do somebody knows whether can man flash (rollback/update) bios from usb HP_tool whithout .sig file having only .bin image?