There are sometimes not mentioned .sig file in HP_tool (HP Bios update UEFI) guides while flashing bios. May the key is in laptop model or in version of HP Bios update UEFI tool?
the signature file is embeded in original (non hackable) bios, once the dumped bios is modified the signature do not match, that's an old HP mechanism for protecting the integrity of the bios. note: have you tryed to flash from dos with FLAs**t utility?
It is clear. I do not understand how someone could modify dumped bios and flash it without changing/using signature. No yet, but will try today. Another several questions: what other utilities to use for flashing dump bios? Who develop utilities such as ezh2o for reading bios images? Is there any chances that next version of ezh2o will be capable to read dm1z-3000 bios? Can I change the loaded bios itself (on the air on working machine), rather its image or dump? As I understand there is a stupid loop in bios code which hangs pc boot if WIFI ID not in the list. I want to changed IDs. The solution is so close and so far simultaniously :|
Finally get the utility onto usb with ms-dos. But when starting utility get error Code: C:\>flas**t 01611.bin Error: IHISI 10h fail. Internal Error 20 FBTS: Permission is denied by user Even flas**t /h gives this error Only flas**t was able to return some description of utility
links are valid, extract from readme.txt: Flas**t /Z show help list Flas**t /XH show the force help list Flas**t /X non-IHISI flash process you will have to make tests to find the good switchs for your bios. but out of topic here, that's a bios modifications request place. regards