1. m2m

    m2m MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Thanks for fast reaction. However I got to a problem. I flashed the modded bios from you and got to a troubles. The W7 keep rebooting, when i started new installation from DVD i got bluescreen with a message: "A problem has been detected..... The BIOS in this system is not fully ACIP compliant. Please contact your system vendor for and updated BIOS. ...*** STOP: 0x000000A5, 0..0x0 0..0x0 0..0x0" :-(
  2. conghoaxa1

    conghoaxa1 MDL BIOS/EFI Modifier

    Oct 30, 2009
    QW6 not the name of the computer.
    machine's name on the underside of the laptop.
    ....google translate :rolleyes:
  3. Twinniss

    Twinniss MDL Novice

    Sep 11, 2011
    uhhhh, that's all it says under Model No.

    Model No: QW6
    QCI PN: 1QW60000002
    Serial No: QW6TFCXN1012001F

    Though the cover name is Ufit from SK networks
  4. Loxxx

    Loxxx MDL BIOS/EFI Modifier

    Jul 1, 2009
    This is the question?
    You do not know what a lock?

  5. m2m

    m2m MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Thanks for the DOS version, however i couldn't now do even the dos flash. The batch file calls inside the flas**t.exe which fails to run (even flasit.exe /h) with: "Error: FADT not found !". I tried to search over the forums, but the issue is mentioned only few times with not much solution (as much as i understood).
    I tried also the the bios recovery (put a bios file on usb stick, and start the pc with Fn+ESC). The usb stick blinks like it is being read, however in few seconds (so it reads something) the computer reboots but the bios appears to keep the same (i tried to flas there also previous version which i have 1.33). I am not sure if i have the right filename, because whathever i the bios file call it it behaves the same. Also whatever i take the .bin file in same directory with flas**t.exe or the .fd file from the Winflash directory... :-(
    If you can remind me anything what i could do wrong ... eg. filename for recovery - i tried so far: JM51x64.fd, JM41x64.fd, AA.fd, BB.fd, AAHW.fd, BBHW.fd, .fd, HW.fd, bios.fd, IC50.fd, IC50HW.fd
  6. m2m

    m2m MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Tried just now as well, It does not seem to have effect - I already tried the same filename with small 'x' letter, in case of FAT FS it should not make difference.
    In this case i had the only file on the flash drive. In some other threads about acer recovery they talk also about flas**t.exe on the pen or some other files. The main post about Insyde recovery did not talk about having anything else than the bios file. Should i have on the usb stick anything else? I can see the usb stick is being read, however no longer than 10 seconds (maybe i would expect longer time to flash the bios).
  7. m2m

    m2m MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Aaah, so it should be bootable drive? Some posts says use just the file. I will give it a try and get back with feedback.
  8. m2m

    m2m MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    Um... the usb drive is bootable, i can boot it. I copied the bios file as JM41X64.fd onto it. When i do the recover procedure i can see the usb drive is accessed, but i can hear no beep, it just reads for cca 8 seconds something and then reboots... if someone has any other idea, please let me know... :-(
  9. akcent

    akcent MDL BIOS/EFI Modifier

    Aug 20, 2009
    Together with file JM41X64.fd on USB-STICK put FLAs**t.EXE v.1.3h
  10. m2m

    m2m MDL Novice

    Nov 7, 2010
    I can confirm i have flas**t.exe, when i start it while booted in dos it prints out "Flahit V1.3h IHISI V1.7.7", however if i try for example command "flas**t /h" it writes back that message "Error: FADT not found !"
    So with this flas**t.exe and JM41X64.fd file on the usb stick i tried the procedure witn Fn+ESC and it behaves same as i described before when i was trying many other names for the bios. I really hate when i have bad luck :-(.
    TO conghoaxa1 - as you posted, i downloaded newer version of that tool but it still does not open to me the file correctly so i cannot get the same information from the bios... so if i am doing something wrong or it works somehow else (i running it in windows XP inside virtual box).