It will work with Vista and W7 if your computer is using the smae bios. P.S. Just saw the other post of yours were you say that you are trying to activate Vista and you have already Slic 2.0. Slic 2.0 is enough for Vista activation.
Mishel, I looked at your bios and it looks like you dumped it yourself? Curently we mod only bios files containing Slics 2.0 (we change them to Slic2.1). The bios file in your archive has none. Maybe you should find a link for your bios update from a manufacturer so we can actually take a look at it as usually they at least have Slic 2.0 in them already.
Too bad the HP TX2Z bios with Slic 2.1 doesn't work. Something wrong with RSDT according to slic dump toolkit. I tried flashing it with the Insyde tool and Flas**t.. No luck.. Anyone have a solution?