i need to have access to advanced bios menu on my acer v3-772g what do i need to do? i have downloaded upgrade fiile VA70V113.fd from site
as i understood i need to make changes in this fd file and then flash bios ? what soft do i need to use for edit it file? or i don't need edit it file and i need to edit information in my bios using RWEverything?
I would like to get the hardware whitelist removed from my bios. All i know is i have an hp g6z-2200 with f.23 insyde bios. Could someone please help me?
Well I used Andys phoenix tool and in advanced settings and under control section checked 2,3,4,6 option that allows module modification and ignores slic selection, then I found this difference View attachment 26611 and 112orig is original non modified bios and respectively the second one is unlocked, then in 2.23 bios I found this hex 0F 74 51 0f and replaced booth diferences. The efi bios header that need to be cut is until this hex header 02 00 70 02 so all that is before this must be cut out and footer starts with 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 5f 49 46 4c 41 53 48 5f 49 and just cut now all footer. Pack all together with andys tool and then I flashed it to my pc with usb flash mode