Great! I'd post the whitelist error message but I lost my replacement wifi card and the new one is on the way from china.
I'd post the whitelist error message but I lost my replacement wifi card and the new one is on the way from china. I will post or pm the error message when it arrives if it's not solved by then. Thanks anyway!
We will keep digging, I`m sure me or BDMaster will be able to help you, do you remember the message it gave you or any part of it when caught by whitelist? are you sure this notebook has whitelist?
yes i did try those steps and i cant get past the screen it shows on that website no i have not tried another os.. but i did try to load off dvd and flash drive windows and it works until it tries to either repair or install os on the hhd i could find a linux os and try but i dont want to lose the stuff on the hhd
right, so if I get it right you can still access your BIOS right, are the tabs unlocked? any option about apic there? have u chenged any settings? if no its time to try recovery...
yes i can fully access bios and i started out.. the first time it wouldnt reboot, i went to bios and it reset to default and saved in bios.. but since then.,... i've probably changed 90% of everything saved and rebooted about 100 times (or close to it) but i always went back to save default bios setting after each time it didnt work... which of course it didnt.. also new bios is amazing but also confusing cause there are sooo many settings now every tab and option is available/changable