I'm afraid that isn't recovery in this bios as PMTool don't give out any recovery name and this bios is an hybrid UEFI so advanced bios. i will try to find into modules for his name but repeat I am afraid ti will not ! regards
Friends, according to EL TORITO specification, name is bios.fd View attachment 27345 try it and report sarum, try USB, CD, I'm confident you can do this, I've read a success toshiba. Keep trying
Thanks for feedback, "joseroberto" is a brazilian name right? I'm brazillian too Can you post some photos of the tabs unlocked? regards
Well mostly just the advanced options which has been locked away since F.34. I've been suffering temperature problems lately also. My laptop fans seem to be running slower when the temperature goes up which is quite puzzling, wonder if anything can be done to help it. Maybe enabling support for fan control with programs. Either way, since it can't be modded, are there any other already modded bios that may be compatible with my laptop? Because it's HP, I doubt so aye.
Only mod I know for sp6 BIOSES is to change settings manually with EFI Shell, go see on bios-mods foruns, section Insyde Bios Requests, there is a pinned thread about it.
I've checked it out, the thread seems slightly dead though. Unless I'm looking at the wrong thread. Posted a post, shall wait for replies. Thanks.