It's only for VarStore Data, but for significant mods You have to get a Modded Bios with Menu Tabs Unlocked and some deeper mods into some others bios modules ! Best is to buy CPUs and Gfx Cards compatibles ! Regards
Hi, So if I use an SPI programmer, do you know how or where I would get the modded bios? Would it be the same one provided before?
Ok I will explain friend ! Your Bios Backup Modded I posted before, so It's just ready and there are ver. 2.20 - 2.24 - 2.25 ready too. But using SPIPGM You can get an original copy reading directly by Programmer and I will modify for You after when You'll upload here. So scheme : 1. SPIPGM get a Full Backup from Bios Chip and EC Chip (to be quiet, so can try anything after) 2. Upload Bios Backup from Bios Chip 2. Modify Bios Backup 3. Reflash Bios Backup Modded into Chip Regards
I have done again the unlock of SetupUtility Module and repacked Bios, then checked the dll for bypass RSA ! I have to check dll again ! I am sorry Quickly I will reply here and I hope to get good news Regards
Thx man..but how is the correct way to flash? unpack your file and then just start the insydeflash.exe ?!? I don't have any driver which are named "HP_TOOL"... so I don't need to rename them, right?
hey thx guys.. I don't have any partitions called HP-Tools..before using this Laptop I delet everything and made new partition on my own. I just have C: and D: no names for that... I try it again...again a brick...mabe the problem is because I got F.14 and want to flash F.14 again... should I Flash f.12 or F.13 before?!? the BIOS Version which is on right now is that one u gave me to unbrick...after unbricking with the version u send me I get F.14 as Bios or should I flash the original F.14 from the HP webpage after I unbrick it with your F.14 Version.. I mean when u guys modify the F.14 from the HP webpage is that not different from the the F.14 from Post#17547 for unbricking