I don't understand well ! If laptop is Bricked It don't start at all, but You said that Win7 gave a BSOD with an error (It was important to see err num for me) ! So I want to know if You are gone into Bios to modify some Settings and Bios was working ? Then You tried to Recover Bios and . . . EFI / Insyde BIOS Recovery filenames are: Bios.fd So You have to extract from Original Bios folder the Bios File BB10240.FD then rename as Bios.fd It and copy into an USB Fat32 Formatted and try the Recovery Procedure : - Performing the emergency flash: - Shutdown the netbook (notebook) - Remove all peripheral devices - Remove battery, Remove AC power cord - Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds (battery and AC power still out), then release - Put the USB Memory Stick in the USB port - Hold "Fn" + "Esc" and plug the AC power cord in - Now press the power button (whilst still holding Fn + Esc). Wait until the fan will run, then release "Fn" + "Esc" keys - The fan will run for about 2-10 minutes and the USB drive activity LED will blink - I think the netbook rebooted automatically. If it doesn't, unplug the AC power cord once the fan has turned off The bios should be updated with the modified BIOS, and boot as per normal. If your laptop is not bricked You can try to start from USB using a USB LiveCD like Hiren,s CD with Mini XP or Mini win7 and then run from desktop the upgrade to Original again or using Dos version FLAs**t.EXE ! Let me know Regards
well, the modes bios flashed successfully but gave bsod (acpi not compatible 00.......000a5), and i tried to recover with the original bios... i tried fn+esc, started flashing, but after restart has a black screen. now only fn+f will make the hdd led to blink but will not flash...
Try to clear CMOS resetting NVRAM using Jumper on MoBo or removing MoBo Battery, remove all AC DC Adapter - Battery, press for few seconds Power Button ! It' all You can do then there is only Service or SPI Programmer to rewrite Eeprom Directly on Board ! I am sorry for your issue . . . Regards