Just edit autoexec.bat : Code: @ECHO OFF rem DMIMENU cd\ cls echo Rebooting system echo. pause rem reboot.exe Then boot from USB, type cd C:\DMI\AMI_P2\SLP\ (press Enter) SLP.BAT (press Enter)
AHA I thought I was suppose to execute slp.bat from the DMIMENU somehow Anyway I've edited the autoexec.bat and after boot I was able to go to C:\DMI\AMI_P2\SLP\ and run slp.bat BUT nothing happened ! I jut got a black screen with a flashing line (a command prompt) ! and I had to restart using the power button
Hello, It's a 363C. I saw in bios, tab information. I tried the recovery procedure without success. Laptop reads usb but IT restarts without updating bios. In relation to FPT, I always get the same message. FPT doens't work in this platform. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
Hi friend, I am sorry as I didn't understand It's not poassible anyway to load Windows ! You can use Dos Platform ? Can You Boot in Dos ? Regards
May be Serg008 or Thanh2h have any experience with Flas**t and can help us ! It seems the effect of your wrong settings into setuputility, so there isn't a way to fix It, only by SPIPGM and a Bios Backup. I will wait their replies to say end word on this. Regards
Ok friend, Have You reflashed Original One ? Your laptop cannot work or give issues ? Let me know better the problem as the Mod It's not working cause cannot save Settings, but I don't know if It's possible to fix It. I have to know which is your platform as there are many Bios Files : 30F7F66D.FD ---> 30F7D 30F7F66U.FD ---> 30F7U 30F7F664.FD ---> 30F74 30F7F665.FD ---> 30F75 7010F66.FD ---> 7010 So use AIDA64 or look under bottom laptop label and find your model, in this way I can try to mod your specific only. Or look into HP_TOOLS partition on C:\ HD normaly after falshing Bios there is left a Decrypted Bios Copy of It. Let me know Regards
What file do you mean as original? I have flased all of the firmware that you sent me, and all that i posted here. All mods with unlocked tabs have only one problem, they hang when saving. All other have no problem, except for the lack of unlocked tabs. as I wrote above: - it was experimentally found that fits me 30F7F66U.FD - my notebook model is HP pavilion dv4-1117nr If possible, it would be better to do sp51483 Scli21 + NWL + ADV/PWR. I would be very grateful!!! And I would also like to know what are the tabs except the ADV and PWR. It is not difficult to add them? please, don't forget me again