Integrate7 script – automatically slipstream updates and drivers up to 11/2023!

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Deleted member 190847, Jan 1, 2019.

    No, earlier. So I will include February 2023 updates, because March 2023 updates are not ready.
  1. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    Oh, okay.
    With the March 2023 "patch Tuesday" only 5 days away, I assumed you're going to release an update afterwards.
  2. schubidubi

    schubidubi MDL Junior Member

    Nov 9, 2022
    @wkeller, :eek:
    Thank You! :wavetowel2::clap3:

    You are really awesome, that's fantastic news!

  3. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020
    I'm looking forward to using and testing Integrate7-v5.00 over the weekend.
    I'm also anxious to see how well Windows Update works when the March 14, 2023 "patch Tuesday" updates are released.
  4. #686 Deleted member 190847, Mar 10, 2023
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2023
    Thanks to You guys, I feel that my work here isn't entirely pointless.
    Most people use original Windowses and winces at the sight of any mods :)

    On Android, situation is even worse. My bank thinks that rooted phones are either "hacked/compromised" or used "illegally". Fortunately, root can be hidden.

    Original unmodified Windows Update surely won't find any new updates, only abbodi patched (bypassed) version can do it.
    But you can always download March 2023 cumulative update and install it manually with no issues.
    And NET Framework updates are far less important.
  5. chameau

    chameau MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2020
    I Hi, I have been using Windows 7 integrated for a few years without issues - Thank very much for your work. I mainly run it in VirtualBox and I have a legit key so I don't need to use an activation hack.
    I don't remember with version of 'Integrate7' I used, I think it was v3.35 the one where you included the updates but I'm not sure (is there a way I can tell?).
    I just have a few questions:
    1) When I run Windows own update, I just get the following 3 files; KB5010798, KB5018547, KB5021091 is it safe to install them? and probably more to the point - Do I Need Them?
    2) Do I have anything to gain by re-integrating Windows7 with your latest version v5.0?
  6. schubidubi

    schubidubi MDL Junior Member

    Nov 9, 2022
  7. CaptainSpeleo

    CaptainSpeleo MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2020

    Your great work with Integrate7 most definitely is not pointless.
    There are members at another site (you know which site I am referring to) who miss you no longer being there.

    My last up-to-date Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit disc was created on January 12, 2023 with Integrate7-v.4.01 and is 5.07 GB in size.
    My new up-to-date Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-bit disc was created today with Integrate7-v5.00 and is 5.23 GB in size.
    The entire integrate process and burning process went well and displayed no errors.
    I will be testing the new disc over the weekend.

  8. chameau

    chameau MDL Novice

    Nov 4, 2020
    Thanks for the quick reply - I have 'BypassESU' installed but not v12, I will update. I mainly use Linux as my OS of choice and I only use Windows 7 (in a VM) for a couple of applications that I can't run in Linux. Other than checking for updates, I don't go online from within Windows. So for now I stick with what I have.
    PS: I'm not allowed to post with links!.... had to remove a lot of text....
  9. schubidubi

    schubidubi MDL Junior Member

    Nov 9, 2022
    Nice to hear that I could help you make your decision. :good3:

    I'm glad if I can help someone here,
    especially cause my knowledge is not profound and I still have a lot to learn myself ... :weight_lift2:

    KMPLAYER MDL Junior Member

    Jan 12, 2014
    When a Windows 7 image consists of two languages, Integrate7 v.5.00 automatically selects English (apparently by definition or by criteria unclear to me), but I have no choice which of the two available languages to select. It would be wise to add an option to choose from the available languages on our stock Windows 7 image to choose from.
  11. Yes, two language ISO is not single language ISO, so it is not supported.
    2 doesn't equal 1:)
  12. Sirmoya

    Sirmoya MDL Novice

    Feb 11, 2023
    Hi, today I had the chance to test Integrate7 v5 and create ISO to install Windows 7 on XPS 15 7590 (UEFI class 3 with no legacy mode and CSM support).
    I used Win7_Ult_SP1_English_COEM_x64 and Win10_1903_V2_English_x64 as source. Created bootable USB using the ISO build by Integrate7.
    Managed to finish the installation process. The system then restarted, then completed the "system is updating registry settings". Upon another restart, it stuck at Windows logo.
    Anybody experienced similar outcome and any advice how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance.
  13. ThaCrip

    ThaCrip MDL Novice

    Nov 3, 2017
    Same here (but pretty much all Windows software I really need works on Linux which is ImgBurn/Foobar2000 etc). I use Linux Mint 21.1-Xfce on all of my computers for general usage. but I do have Windows 7 ISO using wkeller's script which I installed not long ago that's up to date as of Jan 2023 on my backup desktop computer for the rare occasion I need to use one piece of software (which does not work on anything newer than Windows 7 and does not like Linux) and a couple of older games.

    the couple of older games work fine on my primary PC's Mint 21.1-Xfce with NVIDIA proprietary driver, so I generally use this when I play them, but it's nice to have my backup computer working with those in case I need it as I got to use Windows 7 as my backup desktop computer does not have a modern AMD GPU driver for Linux basically (it's using 'radeon' driver instead of the modern 'amdgpu' driver that it seems games generally want on the AMD GPU side of things), so performance is horrible, where as it works as it should on Windows 7.

    but on that backup computer I have Mint 21.1-Xfce and Windows 7 (Jan 2023) installed on... I got Linux Mint installed on the 120GB SSD and Windows 7 installed to a old 80GB IDE hard drive. then I adjusted Windows 7 so it's time is inline with Linux Mint otherwise the time Windows 7 shows is hours ahead of the real time. but after that tweak, Windows 7's time is inline with Mint's time. anyways, I got it so it boots to the Linux SSD in general and I have a option to load the Win7 from 80GB IDE from the grub boot menu if needed, otherwise it will just default to Linux after some odd seconds.
  14. Either incorrect graphics driver or ACPI / BSoD issue.
    You can try upgrade BIOS version (sometimes will help) or use modded acpi.sys from canonkong.
  15. Sirmoya

    Sirmoya MDL Novice

    Feb 11, 2023
    BIOS already updated to latest version. Ok I will try applying modded acpi.sys as you mentioned. Thanks
  16. gooface

    gooface MDL Junior Member

    Aug 29, 2013
    #698 gooface, Mar 22, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2023
    Just about to try this out on my HP EliteBook 8470p (had 8.1 and was having issues running some older games) super excited to try this out!

    (just created the ISO as a win7 ultimate and loaded it up on rufus and its installing right now)
  17. gooface

    gooface MDL Junior Member

    Aug 29, 2013
    Yes, they are intentionally hidden, but net use ... command line works as expected.

    You can restore UI entries you mentioned (at any time) with these commands:
    reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "NoNetConnectDisconnect" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "NoManageMyComputerVerb" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f