So I tried without empty spaces Writing 1045 files in 210 directories to G:\Win_7_Integrate7_003\Windows7_x64_en-US.iso 0% complete ReadFile failed (\\?\G:\Win_7_Integrate7_003\DVD\autorun.inf, off=0 len=800 status=103) Error 87: The parameter is incorrect. All finished. Press any key to end the script. Same error 87 ? Can someone explain this Thanks
I think I find the culprit. If I remove all lines that deal with pending.xml then it will be fine. Like below: type "%~dp0mount\%%i\Windows\winsxs\pending.xml" | find /i /v "-Securitycenter" > "%~dp0hotfixes\pending.tmp" "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\NSudo.exe" -U:T -P:E cmd /c "copy /b /y "%~dp0hotfixes\pending.tmp" "%~dp0mount\%%i\Windows\winsxs\pending.xml"" However if these are present then the installation will fail.
Hi, Excuse my ignorance, but I'm a newby and I'm not sure where to place which driver (in Installer, Windows, or Recovery)? your instructions offers 3 places to add drivers, but does not specify what driver (type) goes where? Thanks
I was doing all by myself up on my AIO W7 SP1 iso from 2013. The updates without telemetry, "DiagTrack", monthly security updates but not anymore hehe wish found this earlier Good job and thanks for the good work ! Ps: to thread owner i joined 77 .msu updates from 2012 to 2020 (security ones, hotfix) that i think don't have telemetry at least they didn't add "DiagTrack" new service on my system i notice you have 70 if you wanna me to share with you to use on your project say it btw only 64x i got now they are 120 updates with your's included less Convenience Rollup which i removed and monthly rollup below are the reasons I notice you have Convenience rollup on the package according to winaero it brings integrated telemetry Also some people claim monthly rollups starting 2018 till now will add telemetry on the system better play safe and install only (Security-only update) Cheers
Yes, but the telemetry is removed by later parts (custom fixes) in the script. This is the same as with Monthly Cumulative Rollups.
i tried latest script in windows 10 20h2. i used tr_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677484.iso. the script inegrated all updates to all images. this took very long. after that, lots of cmd windows opened and closed. now there is cmd windows, no iso file and all 5 images are still mounted. i had to unmount them. also i did not see any driver being integrated to install.wim.
i had that issue i couldn't generate the iso by .cmd you'll need to edit Integrate7.cmd find the line Code: :: Split install.wim if its size exceed 4 GB set SplitInstallWim=0 Also find change this one Code: :: Create ISO image or leave installer files in DVD folder set CreateISO=0 When finish the process copy dvd folder to MSMG and add drivers and make iso from there ######### To the op can you update the script to delete this from registry too ? Code: reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener /f reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\Diagtrack-Listener /f reg delete HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\WMI\AutoLogger\SQMLogger /f they will generate %programdata% Diagnostic folder log files without it no files are made after delete whats inside that folder
These are custom fixes called with NSudo tool. This is 100% normal and desired. This is bad. I have created ISO on Windows 7 host with no problems.
@wkeller when installing from the created ISO will it still be possible to activate by using an official license for the version installed?
The December 2020 version removes AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener and SQMLogger keys I omitted the third key Diagtrack-Listener, because it doesn't exist.
Downloaded the image (7601.24214.180801-1700.win7sp1_ldr_escrow_CLIENT_ULTIMATE_x64FRE_en-us) with the tool above, ran the script and got this... ============================================================================ This script supports only original Windows 7 images! Mixed images with multiple OSes, multiplr languages or multiple architectures are not supported! ============================================================================ What's the issue? Is this iso not a single OS, single language and single architecture? Win 7 Ultimate x64 English... -KD
@buckeye2016 1. Do you understand what you've downloaded(the iso)? Go for a clean 7 SP1 Media Refresh iso - the ones from 2011. The garbage you've downloaded is an "official homebrew" and is not suitable for servicing. It's only really suitable for shift+delete. 2. Leave the text in default color. This isn't art class, it's a forum.