Brother Same as yours Edit: Havent gone through your question. hence updating my laptop spec. Dell Lattitude 5401 i7-10710U UHD 630
Hi Does anyone know if Integrate7 contains the modded drivers to install Windows 7 on an X570, B550 or A520 mobo? Thanks.
Hello! Wondering if the script will be updated since it's been quiet now for quite a while. Maybe someone, or wkeller himself can explain what needs to be done to integrate the latest updates Also installing windows 7 from an image created from the latest version of the script and then installing BypassESU v11 I do not get any of the updates to show up on Windows Update for some reason.... (KB5005088 being the latest security rollup for August 2021)... Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
@wkeller In version 3.40, if you choose to run the custom patches, you cannot use internet time as there is a typo in the Integrate7.cmd script. In line 35 set NTPserver=pool.ntp.otg should be set
Lines 165 & 166 in the hfixes_all.txt have wrong download links. Cannot post the correct ones here as I do not have 5 posts
I have this problem: I downloaded v3.40 script and ran it to create an integrated Windows 7 ISO -- which it did without any noticeable errors. Upon creation of a setup USB with Rufus, the setup runs fine but I'm unable to proceed on my Thinkpad T460s, on account of no internal drive showing up (there's a Kingston SNVS500G nvme installed). Can anyone point me in the general direction of a solution? The only thing I found was the need for nvme drivers, but I assumed generic ones were already onboard with the latest versions of Integrate7...
Kingston = PCI\VEN_2646&DEV_???? In theory Intel driver should work - check you BIOS settings - try switching HDD mode (from IDE to ACHI / Raid) otherwise it emulates and might fail to detect... Failing will have to use "Load driver" to load whatever it requires..
Thanks for your reply. Your suggestion is precisely what I'm trying currently. Moreover, I have no visible options for switching from IDE to AHCI/Raid in my fully updated BIOS. I have been unable to find any driver downloads for either this specific Kingston nvme or the alleged generic Intel nvme drivers for Windows 7.