Just keep the copy of your updates in hotfixes folder. The script will not download updates, if they are already inside it. If you use a new version of script, you will need to copy all .msu and .exe files from the old hotfixes folder to the new one. Of course, obsolete updates (eg. March 2019 cumulative update) will not be used. The script will just ignore it.
Thanks for the script, but something made me wonder if this script includes "WuaCpuFix" ? If not, how can I add? Thanks in advance
One more question, If I want to integrate .Net 4.8 but not to integrate all IE stuff how should I edit the script?
It tries to detect language code from ISO file (exactly from install.wim) and then download and integrates proper version of IE11 from Integrate7\hotfixes\ie11_all.txt The same situation is in the case of .NET Framework 4.8 (see net4_all.txt). Original IE11 and NET 4.8 are English only. Non-english versions simply contains additional language packs. All other updates are language neutral. In your case, the language code should be es-es, so either your ISO is not single-language (multi-language are not supported) or detected language code doesn't match that. I've personally tested original Windows 7 English and Polish ISOs (both x86 and x64). I am unable to check every single language and every single ISO, however.
I made an ISO using your new version 2019-5 am I will test it in a VM before install in a live system.
ok, I was thinking in terms of installed OS, not during the installation process. I've found the reference to "d:" drive for codec in the install.wim image. My bad. Thanks for the script btw. Nice that's it's "all in the open".
Just noticed that the batch file "UnmountCleanUp.cmd" refers only to an existing "Windows ADK" installation, rather than the development tools you now include in the "tools" folder. It was easy to mod the batch file to point to the included tools (I needed to clean up a mess...). Perhaps for v1.5?
Another comment on the script: it won't work if for some reason (versioning, etc) a user inserts a space in the ISO file name. The line: Code: for /f %%i in ('dir /b /o-n "%~dp0*.iso" 2^>nul') do (set "ISOName=%%i") has a 'space' as a delimiter by default for the FOR, so ISOName will only be the first token, the part of the file name before the space. So, you could tell the users to have an ISO filename without spaces (like keeping the original untouched MS iso names), or adding an empty delims to the code, like: Code: for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b /o-n "%~dp0*.iso" 2^>nul') do (set "ISOName=%%i") and the FOR will now select the whole string.
First off THANK YOU for creating such a wonderful script. I think I have found an issue with the script as in the last stages of integration where it integrates custom drivers it throws out this error: ================================================================ Addding drivers to Installer (Boot.wim) ================================================================ The File name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. The resulting ISO file -seems- to be fine to use but I thought I would bring this to your attention if it needs fixing. Also I am wondering if it is possible to download *every* hotfix/language for IE11 etc. so that the script can function fully offline for any Windows 7 language edition.
It is hardly to diagnose based solely on this message, but I think that you have some specific name of directory where Integrate7 script is (eg. non-english characters, etc). Or You have specific names of files or directories inside add_these_drivers_to_Installer directory The script is written in pure Windows Shell (cmd). The shell isn't wonderful and is limited, so it often sucks in untypical conditions.
I am sorry for the lack of information other than the output given by the script. You are correct I am using Swedish Windows 7 so I guess there could be some issue related to that, but the script is being run inside its own Integrate7 directory situated in the root of the C:\ drive. The drivers I have included to be integrated are USB 3.0 drivers and NVMe drivers. They are 64-bit and placed into C:\Integrate7\add_these_drivers_to_...\x64 in their own subdirectories. I have tried checking for weird characters or spaces but it seems like the script integrates the drivers into both boot.wim and install.wim properly.