Intel EFI (Bios) Mod for Slic 2.1

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by tapmal5, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. toxic821

    toxic821 MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2010
    My language is dutch
  2. anmg

    anmg MDL Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    use OA2INTELWIN.exe from archive in my previous post. you can run it from windows
    everything is very clear there in english
    I can not provide more help to you
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  3. toxic821

    toxic821 MDL Novice

    Dec 24, 2010
    In dos,i have the fault "Unable to examine marker file 'marker.bin'
    What do i wrong?
  4. anmg

    anmg MDL Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    in your previous post missed space beetwen update and marker
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  5. cl13

    cl13 MDL Novice

    Apr 26, 2010
    Does it work on the Intel new LGA1155 MB, such as DH67BL? Thanks!
  6. anmg

    anmg MDL Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    You may be the first who will test it
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  7. ZJChaser

    ZJChaser MDL Novice

    Jun 25, 2010
    I know I'm "new" here but I ordered a new board before doing enough research it seems....can the Intel DP43BF be modded? Here is a link to the BIOS page.
    ..hmm well I guess I cant post any links yet as I dont have enough posts.

    I was hoping to run Server 2008 but as far as I can tell its likely it can only be modded for XP?

    Thanks in advance. I just want to know before I open the box because I might just send it back and get a motherboard that I know will work.
  8. nate302

    nate302 MDL Novice

    Aug 17, 2008
    Looking for a mod for a board previously posted. I do belive it has an AMI string, and it would be helpful if someone with more experience could help me on this.

    -Manufacturer: INTEL
    -Motherboard Model: D945GCL
    -Bios revision: CF94510J[1].15A.0038
    -Bios Type: AMI?
    -Bios Download Link:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    Edit: This board has been posted and supposedly has an ami string, however it's not had a mod posted yet. Any slic is fine, acer, hp etc
  9. Biggiesized

    Biggiesized MDL Novice

    Sep 17, 2009
    Instructions for Intel motherboards

    I just wanted to follow up here to explain how I got my BIOS updated for my Intel DH55HC motherboard and Windows 7 activated.

    1) Update your motherboard using the latest BIOS file.
    2) Download the oa2intel tools (Windows and/or DOS).
    3) Try using the oa2intelwin tool first. If it fails (and it did for me), create a bootable DOS USB flash drive next.
    4) To create a bootable DOS USB flash drive following these instructions: hxxp://no_short_urls_allowed/rIDof
    5) If that program doesn't work (once again it didn't for me), download UNetbootin for Windows from SourceForge: hxxp://no_short_urls_allowed/2UcbwV
    6) Use the drop down box, select FreeDOS. Make sure the type and drive are correctly set. Hit the OK button to format your drive.
    7) After the program has converted your USB flash drive properly, copy over the oa2intel.exe DOS program as well as your necessary pubkey.bin, marker.bin, and pksign.bin into your root USB directory. (This is the same directory as the DOS files just created.)
    8) Restart your computer and select boot options when your computer POSTs.
    9) Select the FreeDOS Safe Mode from the options list. (I believe it is option #2.)
    10) Type C: to change your directory.
    11) Type oa2intel.exe update [key name] [marker name] [sign name] where the brackets refer to the full file names you copied onto your USB flash drive. (e.g. dellpubkey.bin, dellmarker.bin, DELLSign.bin)
    12) If you get an error about your marker key being out of date and referring to an OEMTableID, restart your computer and change the date in your BIOS setup screen to 1/1/2009.
    13) Reboot into DOS using your flash drive and repeat steps 9-11.
    14) You should receive a message indicating that it was reprogrammed successfully.
    15) Restart your computer into Windows.
    16) Install your certificate and key using any number of methods. Check to see that Windows is successfully activated.

    N.B. I can't post links now (which is stupid). Just replace hxxp with http for my links to redirect properly.
  10. anmg

    anmg MDL Senior Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    yes. confirmed by me on Intel DP67BA
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  11. Simbalage22

    Simbalage22 MDL Member

    Jul 27, 2008
    is this still true? I have a gateway (I started a thread somewhere) I tried this tool, and got the same result..
  12. waleed_mafi

    waleed_mafi MDL Novice

    Jan 10, 2011
    Thanks so much

    I cant believe it worked on my new dell ...
    inspiron n5010 with Mobile IntelĀ® 5 Series Express Chipset ... latest bios ver = A10
    I tried first by bootable dell iso with but it failed on all these:
    Asset pass:12/31
    Asset pass:12/34
    Asset pass:1234
    Great command is = oa2intelwin.exe update dellpubkey.bin dellmarker.bin jsign.BIN
    But I hav question that is there anything I can do to see windows 7 written inside F2 bios settings.
    Thanks for such beautiful software.
  13. anxiousape

    anxiousape MDL Novice

    Jul 30, 2009
    I am using intel mobo PE94510M.86A.0062.2008.0116.1512 aka Intel D945GCPE. I tried several pub,marker and sign bins with oa2intel but no joy. Finally I used the oa2intel posted here (h++p:// by anmg (h++p:// and confirmed working with Slic-toolkit and Everest sys diagnostics.
    Sorry I cant post links yet.
  14. Offsprung

    Offsprung MDL Junior Member

    Feb 12, 2011

    oa2intel works perfect on all my DP45SG mobos.
    One question...
    Is it possible to also add SLP 1.0 for XP?

    Edit: Thanks sloozer I will continue my quest in appropriate thread.
  15. sloozer

    sloozer MDL Member

    Apr 25, 2007
    Yes, use the Integrator Toolkit software from Intel's website.
  16. silentvibe

    silentvibe MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2010

    I am doing the final stages of testing but this was so easy its almost shameful. :)
    I will get back to this in a few hours. In the meantime what do you guys think the easiest way to get this to all the Intel D865PERL users that were requesting a SLIC mod ?

    Sorry about the lack of containment but this is not only a success but a chance to give back to this community.

    By the way as some may already know this is NOT an EFI BIOS. It is an AMI .ROM BIOS in an Intel .BIO container. Once extracted using the Intel2AMI utility its 100% workable. Yes I know we already knew this but I'm starting from Adam & Eve so everybody can follow. From what I read in this thread, and what I experienced with my own board, the flashing utilities (including all DOS / Win / Recovery) refused to work with an altered file. Assuming that was the only problem I eliminated the Intel flashing utilities altogether. Instead I used the extracted .ROM file with a universal flashing utility (UniFlash v1.40) under the most rudimentary DOS boot achieved with a Windows system formatted floppy disk (DOS USB Boot or Floppy or CD/DVD your choice). There are some conditions like using less then 2 Gb or RAM at time of flashing, flash with bootblock (flashing without generates a verification error) and the chipset is compatible (which it is). I also used this as a command for starting UniFlash " uniflash -ami " to be sure it follows AMI specs.

    P19 has a HP SLIC 2.1
    P21 has a DELL SLIC 2.1

    Intel2AMI + BIOS Files + UniFlash v1.40 = www_mediafire_com/?wk9e9z8b22tf27o

    Note : Please replace all underscores in the URL above with . (periods)

    I hope this helps. Enjoy !!!

    P.S. I wonder how many other older Intel boards would benefit from this ? My guess is all using AMI .BIO BIOS.
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  17. silentvibe

    silentvibe MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2010

    Take a look at post 617 and see if you can apply it to your board. Use caution when flashing with uniflash.
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  18. Elite2k

    Elite2k MDL Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    intel DG45FC

    this worked great for my intel DG45FC thanks alot man used the HP SLIC table activated formated just now works.
    Here is how i did mine
    Download the OA2INTELWIN package
    I installed my mod through windows
    -I had one error something about oem table bieng out of date
    -Change the windows Date to December 2009 (anydate)
    -then try again and it works fine
    -Simply run the command Pif file
    -Then in the command prompt type
    OA2INTELWIN.exe update pubkey.bin marker.bin sign.bin

    Change this to what ever you want using HP/Asus/gigabyte
    so for eg..
    oa2intelwin.exe update hppubkey.bin hpmarker.bin hpsign.bin

    thanks so much for creating this