Hi all, I've been searching around but havent found a clear answer if slic2.1 can be inserted into intel S1200BTS Server boards. its an EFI bios threads that usually comeup in search date back to 2009/10, I just wanted to know if any advancements have been made by this time.... Kindly give your reviews... are there any tools to do this ?? Regards...
I've got the D975XBX2 and it programs the jpscsa slic correctly but there is no cert available for that slic. Did something changed?? I think no. No confirm of activation Win7 here, only Softmod with Win7 Loader works.
I tried running oa2intel on S1200BTS server board in DOS, it says "this tool only supports intel desktop/mobile boards" anyway to use it on ServerBoards ???
I need a bios mod for this one: -Manufacturer: Intel -Motherboard Model: D865GSA -Bios revision: 1032 -Bios Type: Intel -Bios Download Link: hxxp://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=12687&ProdId=2441&lang=eng&OSVersion=OS%20Independent&DownloadType=BIOS -RW Everything Report Download Link: View attachment 12920 Thank you!
Hi NoJuan999! Thank you for your mod, but I can't seem to flash it using Iflash tool, and I'm only able to flash the a bios using the recovery method, removing the bios jumper and then putting the bios on a floppy disk. Only the official bios get flashed, the one you created is read by the bios from the floppy, but as soon it's read, the system just shuts down. Using the information you posted, I got Intel2AMI and the Award Slic Mod tools to try other methods. I tried SSV but with no luck either,the file is modded ok but it does not get flashed. SSV2 reports that the rom is too small for that hack, so I didn't try this one. I also tried by mistake just to unpack the BIO file and pack it without any mod and then it gets flashed on the recovery method. Maybe some problem with checksums when we pack it back from AMI to Intel with Intel2AMI? Any other idea on how I can solve this? Thank you!
BIOS for DQ965MT I am new to this but I checked everywhere on the site and have not much luck. I am looking for information on a 2.1 BIOS for the a Gateway S-5405D. This is the moard information: -Manufacturer: Intel -Motherboard Model: DQ965MT -Bios version: CO96510J.15A.0191.2007.0912.1941 -Bios revision: AAD36265-505 -Bios Type: Intel -RW Everything Report would not upload - Attached the BIOS portion from CPU-Z Thanks View attachment 13174
So I just unzip the file, use the tool and boot to it and it will do it for me? If my PC does not support USB boot could I burn it to a bootable CD with UltraIso?
I need a bios mod for this one: -Manufacturer: Intel -Motherboard Model: S5520SC -Bios revision: 60;58;30;112 -Bios Type: Intel -Bios Download Link:ttp://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&DwnldID=20641&lang=eng&OSVersion=OS%20Independent&DownloadType=Firmware Thank you!