Intel EFI (Bios) Mod for Slic 2.1

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by tapmal5, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    Yes I tried a recovery - it's easy actually on my intel mb, just pull the pin and reboot having just the bio file on the floppy.

    btw johnalvin thanks for you previous post supporting/noticing I had posted everything there was to post about it.

    I understand the modders frustration though, lots of people say give-me give-me without giving enough info or effort in return.
  2. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    #62 endeavor, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  3. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    That is correct I had tried, iFlash, winflash, and Recovery with any of the previous modded bios by 911medic and busykid508, or myself, did not work.

    As you saw that I told Busykid and I am telling you, I can flash the bios with any original version from intel, using Express Bios, or iFlash from Floppy, or iFlash from USB, I've used each one, and with any of them I can, and have, many times flashed backward to P17 and forwards to P19 and up to P21 again and again, back and forth, just to test and observe, and they All work just Fine and Update - so I do nOt have any problems with flashing my bios - they all work fine, except any mod that have tried so far.

    No autoexec or config.sys needed for bootalbe USB stick
    Files needed on USB are only:

    A:\> iflash /pf P21-0089.BIO
    > ...working, now it gives you the normal intel text : Intel Flash Update Utility Part #...., etc, etc..
    > up comes more text : The System is now ready to program the bios, the display will be blank and tones will be heard, etc.... remove usb and press enter..

    I'm sorry, just like the other mods I tried, it shuffles a little bit, and then reboots (silent boot off) during boot transpire I can see previous bios version is still installed.

    I'm sorry it did not work with your mod, but thank you Sebus very much for your time in trying.
  4. 911medic

    911medic MDL Guru

    Aug 13, 2008
    Is there some sort of flash lock on the bios of these boards..Maybe in bios or jumpers on board. It acts like a safety feature...

    You can update factory, unmod, bios???
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  5. 07ee17

    07ee17 MDL Junior Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Hi buddies. I wanna tell you something. Ive read on another forum that intel bioses are digitally signed. if you modify them then the signature is removed and then the motherboard will not recognize it. you have to find a way to install unsigned BIOS.
    there are some guys who found a vulnerability in Intel Bioses but it is hard to explain all here.
    So in short you can not install Modded Intel Bioses since these are not signed by INTEL.
  6. 911medic

    911medic MDL Guru

    Aug 13, 2008
    Where did you read this "vulnerability"??

    There a fair chance I may understand it...:D:D
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  7. 07ee17

    07ee17 MDL Junior Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Guys at invisiblethingslab found this. they write a presntation about unsigned flashing. ive read it month ago but it seems too dificult. But now free7 posted it again so i decided to share my knowledge with you.
    i may upload the presentation for you if you want this presentation. it seems like the vulnerability is in boot screen image code since you can aply any unsigned image with integrator assistant so it proves that image is not signed
  8. asabater

    asabater MDL Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    when trying to validate your BIO file with ITK,,,,,(Generate BIOS file)

    If i change in Edit+Firmware hub size from 4 megabits to 8 megabits then it lend you generate bios file

    not tested burning
  9. sebus

    sebus MDL Guru

    Jul 23, 2008
    And how about any message when you execute the iflash (as aked) in GUI mode with NO switches and select the bios?

    This BIOS is OLD from 2/23/2005

    I do not think the protection would be the culprit

  10. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    Yes I can flash the bios with 'unmod' original intel, I can do it with any of intels three flash programs = iFlash, Express Bios, and Recovery. They All update fine.

    Since I can flash the bios will all original 'unmod' intel, then there is no lock on the bios, no.
  11. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    okay you mean this way.
    A:\> iflash P21-0089.BIO

    okay using no switches has many different GUI's there yes, and I go through each one (I took camera pictures of each if you want them)
    ...on the last gui screen I selected P21-0089.BIO <enter> and it rebooted, it shuffled a few times, it gave no beeps or tones, then it just rebooted but it did not update and still has the same previous bios version installed.

    All four different 'modded' tries of P19-0085.BIO & P21-0089.BIO so far that Busykid508, 911Medic, Sebus, and me myself did, will not update.
    ~using iFlash (A:\> iflash P19-0085.BIO) <or P21-0089.BIO> , it goes through the motions, but gives no error comments, and does not update.
    ~using Recovery procedure, it goes through the motions, but gives no error comments - and does not update either.
    ~using Express Bios from Windows, after reboot it will give a GUI prompt that says Update Was Unsuccessful but give no details why.
    All original intel 'un-modded' P17-0078.BIO, P19-0085.BIO & P21-0089.BIO Work Okay and Update.
    ~using iFlash (A:\> iflash P17, P19 or P21 -xxxx.BIO), it goes through the motions, yes it gives beeps, etc, it works, and it does update.
    ~using Recovery procedure, it goes through the motions, yes it gives beeps, etc, it works, and it does update.
    ~using Express Bios from Windows, after reboot it will give a GUI prompt that says Update Was Successful, and it Does Update. I can update versions forwards or backwards.
  12. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    Well when trying to flash the bios with all the modded bio files I've tested so far, and noticing how quickly it decides it's not going to use it and reboots witn no error comments why, in that light then yes it does seem like it checks hash or digital signature or something, and it skips the update and reboots back where it was. So you may be right, but like Sebus says, this bios is back in 2004 and you wouldn't think they would go through that much trouble back then.

    That pdf was posted last week in the forum too, and I read it then, and I see Sebus posted it's link today also.
    I read it, I didn't understand the coding completely, but it seems they are saying it can be done?
  13. 07ee17

    07ee17 MDL Junior Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    actually that pdf is not a complete tutorial. it is just a presentation so only bios experts can get something out of it. i have also tested modded BIOS for my old mobo D865GBF and it fails to flash. My new mobo is DQ35JO which is based on intel EFI BIOS package. so it can not be modded. i opened it in itk and with winhex i opened its code in RAM but if i mod it, it is still useless because i cant flash it since it is not signed
  14. endeavor

    endeavor MDL Member

    Aug 9, 2009
    Signing or whatever it is, there is a way around it... ...but I just don't know what it is, yet. :)

    There is always a way, I just need the right tools, knowledge, and technique... :p

    There has to be someone on this planet that can do it ;)
  15. 07ee17

    07ee17 MDL Junior Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    i chat with Intel customer service member and when i asked him how to mod ACPI table you know what he said to me.... he asked me to use FORTRON language to modify EFI bios. Fortran is the language in which these bioses are devloped. It means one should be a bios expert as well as software languages expert.
  16. johnalvin

    johnalvin MDL Bios Modder

    Sep 3, 2007
    i compare the previous mods from the unmodded bios and they differ in checksum. mine is the same checksum as the unmodded.