Thanks. Yeah, I have the tool, but it's useless without the bin file that one is supposed to get from Microsoft. I guess this has to be leaked. Microsoft* OEM Activation 3 through Intel® Integrator Toolkit 5.0 Version 1.7 March 5, 2012 Overview This document covers the usage of Intel® Integrator Toolkit 5.0 (ITK 5.0) for Microsoft* OEM Activation 3 (OA3). This includes how to access the necessary tools, which BIOS files support OA3, and the command line process to follow for OA3. ITK 5.0 currently supports OA3 in both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows and WinPE. DOS environments are currently not supported; DOS will be supported in future versions of ITK 5.0. Access to newer versions will be provided through the same channels listed below. Integrator Toolkit 5.0 is the supported Intel tool for OA3, and should be used in place of previously released tools. Specifically, OA3INTEL.EXE will likely not work on future platforms. The files referenced are from ITK 5.0 beta release version number OA3 File Requirements Intel Integrator Toolkit 5.0 is required for OA3. For the test process, only the command line version of ITK 5.0 will be available. These files will also be available with a full install of ITK 5.0. OA3 is only available through command line interfaces. An additional OA3 payload file is required as well. This file is typically named DM.bin. To perform OA3, an official payload file must be obtained from Microsoft. Microsoft’s Oa3tool.exe is recommended for OA3. In the demonstration below oa3tool.exe is used to validate the current status of OA3. These files will be available on Intel's Download center. Intel Integrator Toolkit 5.0 can also be accessed through Intel Business Link (IBL) or Intel Business Portal (IBP). If you need access through these methods, please contact your Intel Representative. OA3 Board and BIOS Requirements The following existing Intel Desktop Boards support OA3 with the listed BIOS version number and any newer BIOS version number. Upcoming boards will support OA3 as well. Product Name Minimum BIOS Version Number DP67BG BG2053 DP67BA BA0070 DP67DE BA0070 DZ68DB DB0029 DQ67SW SW0054 DQ67OW SW0054 DQ67EP SW0054 DB65AL AL0054 DH67CL BL0128 DH67BL/VR BL0128 DH67GD BL0128 DH67CF BL0128 DH61BE BE0029 DH61SA BE0029 DH61CR/WW BE0029 DH61DL BE0029 DH61AG AG0035 OA3 Command Line Process This process is intended to validate ITK 5.0’s OA3 functionality, not to simulate usage in a production environment. The following steps will walk through checking OA3 status on an existing system with OA3Tool, using ITK 5.0 to enable OA3, and then validating its success with OA3Tool. 1. Ensure the proper ITK 5.0 file (VCUSTW64.exe or VCUSTW.exe) is accessible from the target system via HDD, network, USB, etc. 2. Obtain and install OA3Tool from Microsoft. This is not required to enable OA3, but is used in this demonstration to validate OA3 status before and after OA3 is enabled. Ensure these files are also accessible from the target system. 3. If using Windows, open a command prompt from the target system. Click the start menu, type “cmd” into the command line and press enter. Note: OA3 must be run under administrator mode in Windows. This can be set by either disabling User Account Control, or by setting the program to run as an administrator. 4. Verify the current status of your OA3 by navigating to the location of your OA3Tool from the target system and running the validate command as follows. 32 bit windows: oa3tool32 /validate 64 bit windows: oa3tool64 /validate If the system is not activated the program will produce an error as below. 5. Navigate to the location of the ITK 5.0 command line file and run the activation command from the target system as follows. 64 bit: vcustw64 -oa3 -oemid=Name -tableid=Name -oadata=file 32 bit: vcustw -oa3 -oemid=Name -tableid=Name -oadata=file OEMID and TableID are both OEM specific. OAData is the payload file received from Microsoft. Entering the full directory path to the payload file is necessary. The target system should now restart. The system must restart for changes to take place. 6. You can now verify your activation by running the validate tool again, as in step four. If it was successful the program will produce information as below. 7. (optional) You can clear OA3 data by navigating to the location of the ITK 5.0 command line file and running the following command. 64 bit: vcustw64 -oa3 -oaclear 32 bit: vcustw -oa3 -oaclear Your target system should automatically restart. The system must restart for OA3 changes to take effect and be visible, including clearing data. 8. (optional) You can run the validation tool as in step four to show the element not found error signifying OA3 data has been cleared. OA3 Error Messages Error Message Cause Error Occurred while updating the OEM Activation 3.0 Data Updating OA3 section data failed.(PE ,DOS) OEM Activation 3.0 data is not present OA3 variable (payload file) not found(PE,DOS) Unable to update OEM Activation 3.0 data Updating OA3 variable failed.(PE,DOS) Assistance For details about Microsoft OEM Activation requirements or access to the OA3 tools and files please contact your Microsoft representative. For details about Intel OA3 Board support and questions about, or access to, Intel Integrator Toolkit 5.0 please contact your Intel representative.
I'll second the Intel DP35DP. Just did it with guidance from this forum. LOVE YOU GUYSES!!! So... Intel DP35DP confirmed. RTFM FTW! \m/
So is there any (easy, as in Asus boards for example) way to add SLIC to Intel DH67CL? Been browsing this and another threads for a while now, and haven't found definitive answer yet. Or maybe I just missed it
So far the links for the OA2Intel tool that I'm finding are expired. Is it possible to get a link to the tool? EDIT: Ugh, nevermind. Just found it in the "SLP Marker File Update Utility" thread, post #6.
Hi all, any chance to add SLIC 2.1 into a DH77EB? I tried it by myself, but oa2-tool reports "This tool only supports Intel(R) Desktop/Mobile Boards" -> seems not to work with this newly board. Is there a payload-file available for use with "vcustw64 -oa3 -oemid=Name -tableid=Name -oadata=file" ??? Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions...
oa2tool for SLIC 2.1 used from Windows needs Windows date turned back to before 2009 or you get the "This tool only supports Intel(R) Desktop/Mobile Boards" problem. I had that problem on a DH67GD board. Ive read on MDL the 7 series boards might need AO3tool for everything. If I read it right OA3tool is to insert Windows 8 table. If I am reading this wrong my apologies. ITK_5.0.0.544.msi This download is valid for the product(s) listed below. Intel® Desktop Board D2500CC Intel® Desktop Board D2500HN Intel® Desktop Board D2700DC Intel® Desktop Board D2700MUD Intel® Desktop Board DB65AL Intel® Desktop Board DB75EN Intel® Desktop Board DH61AG Intel® Desktop Board DH61BE Intel® Desktop Board DH61CR Intel® Desktop Board DH61DL Intel® Desktop Board DH61HO Intel® Desktop Board DH61SA Intel® Desktop Board DH61WW Intel® Desktop Board DH61ZE Intel® Desktop Board DH67BL Intel® Desktop Board DH67CF Intel® Desktop Board DH67CL Intel® Desktop Board DH67GD Intel® Desktop Board DH67VR Intel® Desktop Board DH77DF Intel® Desktop Board DH77EB Intel® Desktop Board DH77KC Intel® Desktop Board DN2800MT Intel® Desktop Board DP67BA Intel® Desktop Board DP67BG Intel® Desktop Board DP67DE Intel® Desktop Board DQ67EP Intel® Desktop Board DQ67OW Intel® Desktop Board DQ67SW Intel® Desktop Board DQ77KB Intel® Desktop Board DQ77MK Intel® Desktop Board DX79SI Intel® Desktop Board DX79SR Intel® Desktop Board DX79TO Intel® Desktop Board DZ68BC Intel® Desktop Board DZ68DB Intel® Desktop Board DZ68ZV Intel® Desktop Board DZ77BH-55K Intel® Desktop Board DZ77GA-70K Intel® Desktop Board DZ77RE-75K Intel® Desktop Board DZ77SL-50K
Hi Folks! I just recently buyed an Asrock H61M-GS mobo which I would like to equip with 2.1 SLIC for painless OEM activation. Now since I am complete newbie on this field I had a few questions for which I hope this thread is appropriate: 1, Where can I find all the tools (howtos) I need to successfully mod the Asrock UEFI? A see a lot of topics about Asus and other boards, but I haven't seen any Asrock topic yet. 2, If possible I want to have Fujitsu SLIC added. I have seen a lot of mods with Dell SLIC but I can not recall any Fujitsu mod I have seen. Is a Fujitsu SLIC even possible? (I like the Fujitsu brand, perhaps because I had not to deal with any Amilos) 3, What kind of OEM Windows 7 distribution do I need to acquire to get a successfully installation (without authentication)? Is there a separate Windows 7 OEM distribution available for each and every vendor or I just have to downl.. oh I mean acquire a Window 7 OEM? Like Windows 7 Enterprise OEM? 4, Do I have to do the UEFI mod before I install the Windows 7 OEM or can I just install the Windows 7 and to the modding after that? Thanks for the help Folks! Best Regards J4ni
3. Noop, a fresh retail installation media is sufficient. Then you just need proper cert & key. There is no Enterprise OEM. Do I understand correctly that it is not a necessity that I install an OEM Version of Windows 7 because a retail copy is also sufficient (if I use SLIC 2.1 mod to evade Windows 7 activation)? Best Regards J4ni
Thanks! And on what does it depend which edition of Windows (professional, ultimate, home premium) I can use? Is the SLIc or certification different for each edition? Best Regards j4ni