Intel EFI (Bios) Mod for Slic 2.1

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by tapmal5, Aug 15, 2009.

  1. cossie

    cossie MDL Novice

    Jan 30, 2008
    Is it also possible to add SLIC for the Intel NUC D34010WYK ?

  2. Peng335

    Peng335 MDL Novice

    Jun 22, 2014
    You can also use the windows tool of OA2Intel007.rar, but first you have to set the system date to 2009, eg. February. :rolleyes: Then start the Dell.bat.
    After reboot and slic check you can set it back to the actual date.

    Just tested with version 47 onboard, works fine :clap:.


    Mar 22, 2011
    Hi Friends !!!

    Help me please !!! Need Mod bios :worthy::worthy::worthy:

    -Manufacturer: INTEL
    -Motherboard Model: Intel Server Board s5520hc
    -Bios revision: BIOS64 (S5500.86B.01.00.0064)
    -Bios Type: Intel EFI
    -Bios File Name: (i don't put links on forum :( )


    -Slic 21 (any for Windows server 2008 R2 SP2)

    Thanks in Advance
  4. braxus

    braxus MDL Novice

    Jun 9, 2010
    Anyone have any success modifying the Broadwell based NUCs? My ninja search skills are failing me today.
  5. Stanley83

    Stanley83 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2015
    #966 Stanley83, Dec 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Hi, i've an Intel D510MO board with last BIOS v0542.
    In this thread, at post #552, one user did it successfully with os2intelwin tool.

    I tried to install SLIC with a package found somewhere else (all link in this thread are broken and i cannot download local attachments) but i get this message:
    D:\Temp\Boot\006win>oa2intelwin.exe status
    OEM Activation 2.0 Utility - X006 
    Copyright (C) 2004-2007, Intel Corporation Distributed under restricted license. Do not redistribute. 
    This tool only supports Intel(R) Desktop/Mobile Boards.
    I also tried the X007 version:
    D:\Temp\Boot\007win>oa2intelwin.exe status
    OEM Activation 2.0 Utility - X007
    Copyright (C) 2004-2012, Intel Corporation Distributed under restricted license.  Do not redistribute.
    GetVariable() failed to return EFI Variable Size -- FAILURE
    0h - SUCCESS
    This tool is not authorized to update this BIOS.
    Both commands were executed in a elevated prompt.

    I also tried with ITK v4 but i cannot find anything to add a SLIC...May i'm using a wrong version?
    Someone has a working link to the "right" tools?
    A pure-DOS execution could give me a different answer?


    Also this user did it ( ) !
  6. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
  7. Stanley83

    Stanley83 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2015
    #968 Stanley83, Dec 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Thank you Tito, lifesaver!
    I set the date to 2006 and used a FreeDOS based USB key (I get the error if executed in an elevated prompt, no way).
    I tried the ByteSpeed bundle but doesn't run in FreeDOS, then I switched to oa2intelMODE bundle because it has also the XRM-MS certificates.
    Finally i was able to insert the Dell SLIC!
    After that i boot into Windows and ran
    SLMGR.VBS -IPK (provided)
    At the end i've a Windows Scripting Host popup saying "Product activation error".

    What's wrong? The SLIC is installed, the key is the one provided and the certificate too :confused:

    I looked inside the suggested ByteSpeed package and its bat file do an additional step:
    itoolkitw install -smbios -ini=iToolkit.ini
    The ini contains some SMBIOS infos...
  8. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    Please post an MGADIAG report.
  9. Stanley83

    Stanley83 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2015
    #970 Stanley83, Dec 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Diagnostic Report (1.9.0027.0):
    Windows Validation Data-->
    Validation Code: 0
    Cached Online Validation Code: N/A, hr = 0xc004f012
    Windows Product Key: *****-*****-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27
    Windows Product Key Hash: aU2z1/fnhnLHmhBm699qYZT2E6s=
    Windows Product ID: 00426-OEM-8992662-00400
    Windows Product ID Type: 2
    Windows License Type: OEM SLP
    Windows OS version: 6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.001
    ID: {1474F5B6-DD75-44DF-93F0-A55B923DDB8D}(3)
    Is Admin: Yes
    TestCab: 0x0
    LegitcheckControl ActiveX: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Product Name: Windows 7 Ultimate
    Architecture: 0x00000009
    Build lab: 7601.win7sp1_ldr.161011-0600
    TTS Error: 
    Validation Diagnostic: 
    Resolution Status: N/A
    Vista WgaER Data-->
    ThreatID(s): N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Windows XP Notifications Data-->
    Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    File Exists: No
    Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    WgaTray.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    WgaLogon.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGA Notifications Data-->
    Cached Result: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Version: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGAExec.exe Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGAAddin.dll Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    OGA Data-->
    Office Status: 109 N/A
    OGA Version: N/A, 0x80070002
    Signed By: N/A, hr = 0x80070002
    Office Diagnostics: 025D1FF3-364-80041010_025D1FF3-229-80041010_025D1FF3-230-1_025D1FF3-517-80040154_025D1FF3-237-80040154_025D1FF3-238-2_025D1FF3-244-80070002_025D1FF3-258-3
    Browser Data-->Proxy settings: N/A
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Win32)
    Default Browser: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
    Download signed ActiveX controls: Prompt
    Download unsigned ActiveX controls: Disabled
    Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins: Allowed
    Initialize and script ActiveX controls not marked as safe: Disabled
    Allow scripting of Internet Explorer Webbrowser control: Disabled
    Active scripting: Allowed
    Script ActiveX controls marked as safe for scripting: Allowed
    File Scan Data-->
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\watadminsvc.exe[Hr = 0x80070003]
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\npwatweb.dll[Hr = 0x80070003]
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\watux.exe[Hr = 0x80070003]
    File Mismatch: C:\Windows\system32\wat\watweb.dll[Hr = 0x80070003]
    Other data-->
    Office Details: <GenuineResults><MachineData><UGUID>{1474F5B6-DD75-44DF-93F0-A55B923DDB8D}</UGUID><Version>1.9.0027.0</Version><OS>6.1.7601.2.00010100.1.0.001</OS><Architecture>x64</Architecture><PKey>*****-*****-*****-*****-P4K27</PKey><PID>00426-OEM-8992662-00400</PID><PIDType>2</PIDType><SID>S-1-5-21-257153634-3408417713-3340320004</SID><SYSTEM><Manufacturer>INTEL_</Manufacturer><Model>MOPNV10N</Model></SYSTEM><BIOS><Manufacturer>Intel Corp.</Manufacturer><Version>MOPNV10N.86A.0542.2011.0729.1300</Version><SMBIOSVersion major="2" minor="5"/><Date>20110729000000.000000+000</Date></BIOS><HWID>0BFB0D00018400F4</HWID><UserLCID>0410</UserLCID><SystemLCID>0410</SystemLCID><TimeZone>ora solare Europa occidentale(GMT+01:00)</TimeZone><iJoin>0</iJoin><SBID><stat>3</stat><msppid></msppid><name></name><model></model></SBID><OEM/><GANotification/></MachineData><Software><Office><Result>109</Result><Products/><Applications/></Office></Software></GenuineResults>  
    Spsys.log Content: 0x80070002
    Licensing Data-->
    Versione servizio di gestione licenze software: 6.1.7601.17514
    Nome: Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition
    Descrizione: Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP channel
    ID di attivazione7cfd4696-69a9-4af7-af36-ff3d12b6b6c8
    ID applicazione: 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059fP
    ID esteso: 00426-00178-926-600400-02-1040-7601.0000-3582016
    ID di installazione: 017553317170628475990626266535910960563032396400993360
    URL certificato processore: ttp://
    URL certificato computer: ttp://
    URL licenza d'uso: ttp://
    URL certificato codice "Product Key": ttp://
    Codice "Product Key" parziale: P4K27
    Stato licenza: periodo di prova iniziale
    Tempo rimanente: 33360 minuto/i (23 giorno/i)
    Numero di ripristini Windows rimanenti: 3
    Ora attendibile: 24/12/2016 12:31:31
    Windows Activation Technologies-->HrOffline: 0x00000000
    HrOnline: N/A
    HealthStatus: 0x0000000000000000
    Event Time Stamp: N/A
    ActiveX: Not Registered - 0x80040154
    Admin Service: Not Registered - 0x80040154
    HealthStatus Bitmask Output:
    HWID Data-->
    OEM Activation 1.0 Data-->
    OEM Activation 2.0 Data-->
    BIOS valid for OA 2.0: yes, but no SLIC table
    Windows marker version: N/A
    OEMID and OEMTableID Consistent: N/A
    BIOS Information:   
    ACPI Table Name    OEMID Value    OEMTableID Value  APIC            INTEL         MOPNV10N  
    FACP            INTEL         MOPNV10N  
    HPET            INTEL         MOPNV10N  
    MCFG            INTEL         MOPNV10N 
    SSDT            INTEL         SSDT  PM
  10. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    The SLIC table isn't inserted successfully - please change the date & execute the ByteSpeed package (or Intel_EFI_SLIC& from Windows.
  11. Stanley83

    Stanley83 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2015
    #972 Stanley83, Dec 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    This is the message i get when i try to run oa2intelwin tool under Windows (elevated):
    OEM Activation 2.0 Utility - X007
    Copyright (C) 2004-2012, Intel CorporationDistributed under restricted license.  Do not redistribute.
    GetVariable() failed to return EFI Variable Size -- FAILURE
    0h - SUCCESSThis tool is not authorized to update this BIOS.
    itoolkitw.exe tool crash:
    Nome evento problema:    APPCRASH
      Nome applicazione:    ItoolkitW.exe
      Versione applicazione:
      Timestamp applicazione:    4cd1142d
      Nome modulo con errori:    ItoolkitW.dll
      Versione modulo con errori:
      Timestamp modulo con errori:    4cd11421
      Codice eccezione:    c0000005
      Offset eccezione:    0004fdf4
      Versione SO:    6.1.7601.
      ID impostazioni locali:    1040
      Informazioni aggiuntive 1:    0c65
      Ulteriori informazioni 2:    0c655a780f6a310cb59665a3a86d0cc6
      Ulteriori informazioni 3:    ec23
      Ulteriori informazioni 4:    ec2384efda8a94792749ad17a98e166e
    The crash box say the complete name of the tool is "...for Windows PE..." :confused:

    I tried with the FreeDOS bootable USB to do the same the .cmd of the Intel_EFI_SLIC&SLP_Tool_09.OCT.2013 package substituting oa2intelwin with oa2intel and itoolkitw with itoolkit executebles.
    They say all is ok but but a verify with SLIC Toolkit V3.2 say "SLIC status: NOT found".

    Honestly i cannot understand why:
    • i'm not able to run the Windows tools
    • the DOS tool say it's all ok but it's not true

    Btw, is it possible with the Intel Integrator toolkit to create a modified BIOS file with embedded both SLIC and SMBIOS data and flash it?
    Is it possible my DOS environment is not right?
  12. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009
    That's not possible using the leaked tools. FreeDOS should be fine.
  13. Stanley83

    Stanley83 MDL Novice

    Jul 5, 2015
    With a Windows PE USB drive i was able to run Windows versions of the tools (that btw say that the SLIC and SMBIOS was already programmed).
    At the real system boot i installed the corresponding key found in this forum and now Windows say it is permanently activated!
  14. Phaark

    Phaark MDL Novice

    Jun 17, 2017
    Hi, my first post, let me know if its in the wrong area etc...
    I have an Intel DQ45CB board that I want to replace SLIC2.1 in.
    The board will replace a dead, (wont post for some reason) one so I want to insert previous board's SLIC info in order to utilise existing recovery CD, diskimages etc.
    I can clear the SLIC info with OA2intelwin erase, (reboot, all gone).
    I can insert other SLIC's, (with oa2intelwin) reboot and activate no problems as captured data for these SLICs is already supplied.
    But, I dont have the necessary files for my OEM, ie oem public key file, marker file and encrypted oem public key file, commonly seen as pubkey.bin, marker.bin and sign.bin to build a package to insert the SLIC info.
    Where do I get these files from?
    I can see references to this data in SLIC Toolkit, Am I able to use SLIC Toolkit somehow to dump the data from an existing bios with the required OEM SLIC2.1 to give me theses files?

    I also tried using Phoenix Tool V2.66 to add the SLIC info I dumped from SLIC Toolkit into an untouched bios file. It loads in ok but wont flash.
    The process I used was load new bios file into Phoenix Tool V2.66, choose other, load my SLIC data and load RW Everything report and Go, creates new
    Throw the new file onto a USB drive, reboot, F7 to enter Flash mode, select the new file, it reads it for a count of 40 and then displays a rebooting in 10 prompt.
    Nothing done, so I'm assuming it was unacceptable format for whatever reason.
    I tried using an RW Everything report from my running Bios with no SLIC info and with the ASUS Notebook SLIC info.
    I tried with no RW Everything report, no success with flash.
    The bios file I'm using, as I said is a fresh one for this board, it loads using the inbuilt bios flash utility, it loads using the recovery process and it loads from Windows using the Intel Integrator Assistant.
    Actually I dont even have any success using Phoenix Tool to create a flashable bios file with any of the SLIC data it came with.
    So that tells me I probably need to use a particular method with it.
    To summarise I have a good donor board, another board with the correct OEM info in it which I can get data from, a million different SLICs , Certs and keys that I have gathered up as I have been trolling in and out of the forum.
    Two versions of OA2IntelWin, (6 and 7, 6 works for me)Phoenix Tool V2.66, SLIC Toolkit V3.2, RW Everything V1.4
    I would prefer not to have somebody say send me this and this and I'll do it for you....I would like to be able to end up being able to do this myself for this board and hopefully be able to port the knowledge to other boards.
    Where do I go from here?
  15. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    1. Which OEM SLIC do you need?
    2. Intel firmwares are digitally signed, so can't be flashed once modified using Phoenix Tool.
  16. Phaark

    Phaark MDL Novice

    Jun 17, 2017
    A1. Thanks for your reply Tito. The SLIC is ASIARGYLE17_V2.1
    A2. Well that explains why the modified bios is not accepted.
    So that brings me back to needing the bin files for AO2intelwin. Are you able to assist?
  17. Tito

    Tito Super Mod / Adviser
    Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2009

    I can, for sure. To start with, can you please dump & share the SLIC bin, cert & possibly the OEM:SLP key from the bundled OS from the older PC?