Yeah, well, this browser still has one of the best font rendering engines out there, while Chrome is still crap, as it has ever been. So Edge is similarly bad. Firefox is better, but IE is subjectively a bit better.
If anyone cares for a more proper script to run IE in Windows 11, an improved iexplore.vbs for you: Code: Set IE=CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.RegisterAsBrowser=1 Set Shell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Shell.Run"nircmd win max class IEFrame",0,True IE.Visible=1 Shell.AppActivate IE If WScript.Arguments.Count>0 Then IE.Navigate WScript.Arguments(0) Else IE.GoHome() End If Shell.Run"taskkill /F /IM ielowutil.exe /T",0,False Running this script will be most like the real thing, it launches your homepage unless you open it with a file or a url, in which case it goes to that file/url. In the registry, change the value of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE to your iexplore.vbs file, then you can launch it using Start>Run (try typing iexplore or iexplore You can also create a shortcut to the vbs file and drag files into it. The 4th line in the script is only if you want to start IE in a maximized window, and it requires NirSoft's nircmd installed in your Windows directory. Otherwise remove that line. And no, I don't use IE but I don't like my options being taken away from me, it's my computer, IE is there, and I should be able to launch it if I want to and no tech giant will tell me otherwise
You should have this icon for internet explorer on your edge top bar. Look top right. It will run in compat mode. Edge will run IE in its UI. No need for any scripts or reg changes
I use this script : Spoiler Code: <# : standard way of doing hybrid batch + powershell scripts @powershell -noexit -noprofile -win hidden "iex((Get-Content('%~f0') -Raw))"&exit #> [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("System.Windows.Forms") | Out-Null $HomePage = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" -Name "Start Page" $ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application" $IE.Silent=$True $IE.Visible=$True $screen = [System.Windows.Forms.Screen]::PrimaryScreen.Bounds $ie.Width = $screen.width+100 $ie.Height =$screen.height $ie.Top = 0 $ie.Left = -10 $ie.navigate($HomePage)
Without Script or IE Mode on MS Edge, Open Internet Explorer on Windows 11 without redirect to MS Edge. 1. Open Internet Options from Control Panel 2. Under Tab "Programs" 3. Click "Manage add-ons" Button 4. Click "Learn more about toolbars and extensions" at bottom and Open IE without redirect to Edge. According to Xeno on Twitter. work on 21H2 Build 22000 and later as well as 22H2 Build 2262x and Dev Channel Build 25xxx.
What I belive MS Edge because IE11 is now RETIRED.. Been long time, So.. Trying make better on MS Edge.. For I use everyday is Firefox and once a while I use MS Edge.. ATGPUD2003
We have a VPN network, that requires Internet Explorer to login. Edge in IE mode does not work. And now with build 22621.3085 I can't start IE anymore I have tried the above mentioned ways and none work. They did work before the latest build.. When I try I get this error:
No, vbscript is active. This is a clean installation. If I use that you suggest, nothing happens
Yes, we only use IE for this VPN connection and hope we can save som money as the company has 2 departsments
Yes, there is a VPN interconnection between the departments and we use VPN to connect to the LAN from outside