IORRT - The Official Office 2010 VL Rearm Solution

Discussion in 'MDL Projects and Applications' started by timesurfer, Dec 1, 2010.

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  1. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    This sucks but I'm not worried as most who first time installed will use our rearm concepts and it will work perfect. And most who mess up their 2010 can just use you helpful toolkit to heal office through activation. Only takes minutes to get it sorted.
  2. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Yeah I'm just disappointed as OSPPRUN and those DLL functions did not help anything. The rearm count is useless since it doesn't detect locks and the License Uninstall is worthless as all it does is remove your ability to use a serial yet it retains the information inside tokens so reinstalling license would change nothing and uninstalling licenses gives no gain or purpose at all.

    So now the only DLL thing useful is get SKUIDs and the time it would take to convert the output and write OSPPRUN to disk, pass input to it, close it and delete it makes the possible efficiency gains I envisioned with that function useless. and calling the DLL directly and all those annoyances aren't worth making EZ-Activator 2 seconds faster anyway.
  3. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Does EZ-activator always work and return rearms?

    The guy in other thread is having problems
  4. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    If it runs the repair and successfully activates then yes. If he manually burnt the count down and activated KMS it won't.

    To be 100% sure it will, have them run the License Repair in License Management then EZ-Activate it.
  5. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Just told him in the 0 reams
  6. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Right now I'm working on my uninstall thing.

    I'm resorting to extreme measures now.

    I confirm that a reinstall if office 2010 was bricked when uninstall is still locked 0 rearm notifications mode.

    I'm watching the install with Total Uninstall, and I'm taking the capture WITH me purposely bricking and repairing office to see if it adds anything extra.

    I am running on the principle that if no trace of Office can be found on the PC, then it cannot tell it was installed. My deepest concern is it modifies existing files that would always be on an OS (like a log entry I'd never find).

    Backups are a different story as a reformat + clean install can have differences from a second format and reinstall. I gave up on the backup thing as I think you'd have to compare every single bit on the hard drive to see any difference that office could conceivably use.

    Somehow playing with OSPPRUN and editing my installdate (was fine yesterday, I think it was me testing OSPPRUN and some other things) have rendered me unable to restore my MAK backup. Of course I have a backup image from acronis yesterday so I'll go back to that.
  7. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
  8. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
  9. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Check my
  10. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    No love for the AutoKMS? I think its very clean if not for the AV issues. I still have hope for KMS. I think it is improvable if we had an open source KMS Emulator as I have ideas that would minimize the failure rate and we could code it to be a bit less suspicious.

    My worry about our rearm technique is that MS might find a way to beat it. The IR4 is harder to beat since it doesn't rely on restoring a backup. Things can change that break a backup. MS could simply store the date inside the backupped data and look at the startup date. They could set it up where they would forgive you for starting up your PC and the stored date being 6 months ago but somehow keep track of the dates with OSPPSVC or do some complicated stuff. All I know is it would be possible. If OSPPSVC updated some kind of encryption key or something.

    And there is a bad thing if they do a WPA key like lockdown as we would not be able to import the data.

    I don't think they'll go that route, as MS really cares about activators as grace won't pass because it is not activated. They care more about leaked VLK's and patches and surprisingly haven't even tried to defeat the loader in Win 7.
  11. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    #353 timesurfer, Dec 11, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2010
    lol...No I just am more an fan of your Autorearm same usage no problems ;)

    Those last reasons of your were the reasons I did rearm concepts for win 7/R2 and 2010 cause same exact usage but no AV stuff and MS doesn't feel
  12. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    Really the good question is will they hunt down your .exe more than a .bat regarding our rearm concepts :eek:
  13. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    They could but I can't see how'd that benefit much. Even if AV's start attacking AutoRearm.exe, just add it to exclusions. It doesn't create any external files so there is no kill the keygen as it is written leading to activation failure.

    I mean if they were that petty they'd flag the toolkit itself and I've not heard anyone say the toolkit exe or AutoKMS or rearm exe's are viruses that had any credibility (I'm pointing at those that go on torrents and scream virus at everything without DL'ing it just to cause trouble).

    The KMS Server has so many things to alert AV.
    1. It opens AND listens on a port
    2. It is packed with some custom packer
    3. It's written strange to make it harder to reverse.
    4. It generates codes (think of all the keygens out there that AV's flag).
    5. It is a server app doing strange network communications.
    6. It's associated with mini-kms which I find that app is absolute garbage (one of the reasons I started the Office Toolkit - I hated mini-kms)
    7. As an extension to #6 and others, it installed stuff that made it run 24/7 as a service (screams possible backdoor to some AV).

    ... and probably more things. I don't think AV's are hitting just because its a crack as I've never seen IR4, Daz Loader, or Office Toolkit get flagged and they are all very popular tools.
  14. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    This is why the rearm concept had to manifest itself since it has no problems except 2010 bricked otherwise it's our best option

    We like a good alternative solution app we hurt nothing in office and we are competing in a intergrated forum of use. We just extend grace and gracefully I might add. I really like your Autorearm and if I hadn't persued IORRT I'd be using it now versus MD's script, Phazors or your autokms, etc...
  15. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Well it's good you made IORRT and torrented it as I had AutoRearm 100% working before IORRT and nobody really knew about it as it hid behind the EZ-Activator which is what the toolkit got famous for. Also people being familiar with you and IR4 look at the rearm concept more favorably based on IR4 reputation.
  16. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    I knew Autorearm was mostly done due to the functions being easily call-able for autorearm, before IORRT except the things I later discovered

    like to restore at uninstall and the couple other things my testing uncovered that benefited both rearm 2010 solutions

    Like I said it a just breaking ground office 2010 rearm concept revolution. We are like at the beginning of the loader phase of win 7 alternative activation solutions which ultimately ended up at Daz loader

    I think IR4 might be the 2nd most popular win7/R2 solution since it's the one he recommends if his loader doesn't work :eek:
  17. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    Well I think unless we can reset count without a backup or disable nags on retail (which I convert to VL to make that irrelevant) then I'm not sure what the next step is.

    and yeah since other than the loader there aren't many good solutions. Disabling stuff like DeathWAT/RemoveWAT I would not use unless it was the only way and KMS (which my AutoKMS can handle windows now) is not on all windows versions and windows can't be converted like office (plus you'd be losing features if you went to some of the KMS windows versions from ultimate).
  18. timesurfer

    timesurfer MDL Developer

    Nov 22, 2009
    The next step is to help those use rearm concepts if that's what they want and to use toolkit to repair if possible