Is it too early to install Windows 10 on a gaming/HTPC machine?

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by MonarchX, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Third party Hard- and Software isn't the business of MS! Drivers for hardware from, let say Intel, Nvidia and others are responsibility and development of those companies but Microsoft. Microsoft will delivers the needed data needed for those Drivers development to the manufacturers and not doing such development on their own (means Microsoft). The blame for such driver problems has to go to the manufacturer and developer of the Hardware and it's Drivers.

    That MS will also develop some new Games for Windows 10 and even will 'modify' games from other developers for Windows 10, is simply an fact. Just MS will do that after Windows 10 reaching an point in development on which the OS is finish or near finish in development. On the actual stage, I don't think that MS will already do that!
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