I use Ccleaner Professional, and I use Chrome Browser. Ccleaner needs to close Chrome, but it has never asked to close Edge.
It sounds like you have removed something you didn't need to (Edge,) and are now going to pay the consequences!
I thought one of the legal points of contention between Microsoft and the European Union was that Internet Explorer was inextricably "bundled" into the O/S so that it could not be removed, effectively giving Microsoft an unfair advantage in the browser market. Also, I thought one of the conditions for the Justice Department to not dismantle Microsoft as a monopoly (like they did with Bell Telephone) was that Internet Explorer had to be "severable" (my own made-up term) from the Operating System. I'm interested in knowing how past legal decisions compare to what Microsoft is doing currently. Also the idea that the "software as a service" and how that technological difference might change how the Justice Department may interpret Microsoft's business practices in relation to anti-trust laws. One theory is that Microsoft has become a de facto contractor/agent for intelligence gathering for the NSA, et al... and that in exchange for this special role, the US Department of Justice has agreed to continue to do whatever predatory and overtly illegal business practices they like. And, on a personal and special note, I've not been here all that long and some of the Members here truly impress me with the breadth and depth of their technological experience, but within that broad base of members there seems to be a very open segment of the population that like to hoot, catcall and throw-out accusations of "tin foil hat" wearing cuckoo birds, etc... every time someone mentions the idea of state and government sponsored surveillance. I don't know if this is done tongue-in-cheek or delivered with a level of sophistication that I haven't been around long enough to discern, but the overt impression that I get is that these people seem to be retarded, in the clinical and medically diagnosable sense of the word. Sure, like parrots they can type a string of characters in a manner that conveys the illusion of rational thought, but breaking down the meanings that are supposed to be conveyed by those words, these people really don't understand most of what they are saying, like a child going from making putt-putt noises while playing with a toy car, to repeating verbatim the latest commercial on TV. SURE they repeat the words exactly, but they have no clue what those words mean. In fact, the idea of massive and state-sponsored and corporate assisted electronic surveillance scares the piss out of them, to the extent that it's all they CAN do but make cracks and jokes about their intellectual superiors that actually have the ability to form some of their concerns into comprehensible language. In short, however badly they may express themselves, intelligent people apprehend at least part of what is going on, they are concerned, and they are trying to talk about it, and the most abjectly retarded members of this forum mock them and say they are wearing tin foil hats, etc... And so, I just want to convey my broad and consistent reactions to those that post these bits of predigested corporate programming. I find no humor in it at all. No matter what the person might have posted, the "tin foil hat" reaction poster is evaluated on exactly two criteria. 1) That they are retarded, and I wonder how many of them there are, and what percentage of the overall membership base they represent and, 2) I wonder how old they are. Are they 15 years old, and retarded? Or are they 55 years old, and retarded. Like the textural consistency differences in feces, there IS a difference between a 15 year old retard and a 55 year old retard. No, one is not more or less retarded than the other, and neither of them will ever be anything other than a retard. I suppose the 2nd component to my reaction is completely unnecessary and probably unhealthy, but there it is, just another part of my own psychological sociopathy. But, I mention this in case any non-retard thinks that there might be some humor in mocking another members concerns about world-wide, state-funded and corporate sponsored electronic surveillance, where every single utterance you make online is recorded, and saved somewhere to be used at some point in the future, only you never know by who, and you never know when, and you never know for what reason. Oh, and there's nothing you can do about it, ever. From the moment that you are born, until the moment some retard pours beer into the hole in the ground they've just put you in. That's SCARY, and anyone that says otherwise is retarded.
It's my ADD that has to have things the way it wants to Then again, it's my computer, why can't i configure it the way i want to. I use firefox not edge, why should i leave it there? I don't want flash, why is it preinstalled? Etc, just make all that crap optional. I am sure somebody will like it but i don't.
Windows 10 Enterprise 2015 LTSB will not have Edge. Thats good news for people who don't want it. Doesn't do a lot of good if you dont have LTSB though :/
For people looking for the solution, this works fine. No issues what so ever and edge won't be installed on initial installation or though windows update after.
After I had used CCleaner i realized that Edge has occupied more than 1GB space for cache for a short time of usage. Is there any way to limit the cache space ?