Is trump crazy?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by bobbee12, Feb 19, 2017.

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  1. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    #201 JFKI, Mar 27, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    :eek: I have been saying that for well over a decade. I thought I was the only one.

    Some food for thought along that vein...

  2. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    #202 Michaela Joy, Mar 27, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    An interesting perspective...

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  3. ThomasMann

    ThomasMann MDL Expert

    Dec 31, 2015

    The man is a refugee from the eastern block, he is traumatized by the phantatsies of what he imagines having lost, but in reality never had in the first place. He cannot get over this, so he blames all his problems on other "bad" people.
    He would need therapy to learn to take responsibility for his problems, but to understand this, he is too damaged. So he blames it on others... just ignore him, he is beyond repair... America suits him perfectly.


    "Also, don't forget that there's a big difference between Socialism and Social Democracy."

    Attempting to understand that is un-american.

    As far as Trump goes you are only partly correct. There ARE many millions out there who have not seen any improvements in their lives for two or three decades, they are now earning less in real money than they used to, or lost their jobs without their own fault and Trump actually called that reason! Most of them already knew that the system was rigged against them, and it was the Hilarys and the Obamas who do the rigging... When they saw the choice, what insultingly is called "Democarcy" they said "no more of this"... Trump is but a symptom, the problem are the democrats, whose behaviour was an affront against all the well-meaning und understanding americans.
    And what do I read now? She is on the come-back trail? Not ONE SINGLE article about what theparty did to Bernie? But´a dozen articles on every frontpage, that Trump has tied his showlaces wrongly?

    (And, Screwing Bernie actually brought many of his voters to Hilary, because the fool actually asked them to, which cost him everything. Only very view changed over to Trump.)
  4. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    #204 gorski, Mar 28, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    What else can one expect from a conservative "mind" but (an attempt at) "personal rubbish"?! TM, you can not see the wood for the trees, period. You are no philosopher of any kind! So, I would say "Let TM be, he is a dinosaur whose "mindset" was framed (and so he would fit perfectly) in 1930-ties Germany and never really moved on." Cor blimey...:rolleyes:

    The best part is where he is "psycho-analysing" me without having the first clue about me - precious, Dr TM!!!:biggrin::D:p

    Actually, it is very American, if you go back in time a little (a part of history pretty much unknown to the general public, sadly), as it is Human.

    And if one does try one would have to make many distinctions, if one has a disciplined, well trained mind: notion, movement, political parties, regime etc. That you will not hear from such "punters"...

    My, my, we have a crystal ball, we have done lots of research, we have an overview like no other - this is where one learns what arrogance really is - on this very example!!!

    In fact, the minimum wage laws have been "left behind", not "keeping up with inflation" etc., for a much longer time, starting with your beloved Republicans/Conservatives, who insisted on deregulation and whatnot. It was the conservatives that did the rigging!!! Some Democrats only finished the icing on the cake. And it is people like you who would do this "convenient memory loss" rubbish "explanation", passing the buck from the originators of such horrors. Sad!

    Actually, I do have a much better understanding of complex reality that we live in, as opposed to you and your ilk, who need something simple, the simpler the better...

    Here, I'll type slowly, so even you can understand: after the 1930-ies crash regulation has been brought in to carefully control what is going on in the banking, as well as the industry, forbidding monopolies etc. and together with progressive taxation and Keynesian economics we have had 50 years of relative stability, yes. So, you really have no clue what you are talking about. Clueless!

    No, I will call you badly "informed", poorly educated in Humanities, seriously prejudiced generally, ignorant dinosaur of some long gone time, that is now raising its ugly head again, thanx to this mud that came to the top of USofA...

    Sweden is a shining example of some of the best real equality between sexes in the world. That is one of the great strengths of the country and a shinig light in the world! Eat your heart out!

    Refugees certainly haven't destroyed Sweden. Conservative gov ruined decades of Social Democratic governance very quickly - see its once great education system in tatters now...

    So, the powerful white minority in SA was benevolent, during their rain of terror (and now they are treated milions of times better than they treated blacks back then), just like the USofA powerful guys in charge and all those who benefited from it, were they?

    So, the whole "you are inferior" story to the blacks who ended up with serious issues of self-esteem and even self-hatred, poor background, who kept being held down artificially, from gaining education or getting good jobs, heck even riding on the same buses or using the same public toilets - none of that has anything to do with the white, privileged lot who instigated it and kept it going to their advantage, right? Those guys have nothing to be ashamed of, they have not been guilty of any of it, "it just happened" and it is still going strong in many ways - but why would anyone be bothered by it, eh? Swell...

    Where have you studied sociology? A 12 week evening course? Somewhere at the bottom of the heap, where you remained mentally, it seems to me... Logics is your PhD, obviously. Some sociologists = sociology, eh? Bravo! Make it a triple PhD in Logics alone...

    Oh, I dunno - world wars, hatred, bigotry, that kinda thang, you know, "natural stuff". (Mamma mia!!!!:rolleyes:)

    Hallelujah!!! Bring it down, let is rain, raise that sword of destiny and let it fall where it must! Let's rock'n'roll, let's bring some "Arbeit, Disziplin und Ordnung" to the masses, fix this almighty mess, keep us "naturally separated", as the good Lord commands!!! YIIIHHHAAAA!!!!!

    Yep, just ask TM, he'll tell ya just how wide, how uneducated, how disinterested and all that - don't look at me...

    As for parroting - there's a Helluvalot of it in this thread, done by people like you, mindlessly repeating the Teutonic garbage because of which sooooo many tens of millions had to die needlessly...

    Pffrrtttt!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D You just tried and... YAYKS!!! :D :D :D

    Oh, come on, you've pinched this - square with us and tell us straight up - which Satan worshipping Amuuurican cleric textbook are you parroting from?!? :D

    Yep, this kind of backwards hillbilly rubbish is bound to sicken anyone semi-decent, oh, yessss... Un-ironically, sure. Straight up, no nonsense!:rolleyes::biggrin::clap:
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  5. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    F* me, I can't possibly go into this garbage about Jews and whatnot - this is as close to driving yourself insane as one can possibly muster, so not going into that mud any more, I've had enough...

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  6. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Seems to me, if you were as intelligent as you think you are, Then why are you continuing this charade? It seems that you keep this thread going for no other reason than of your own interest that you think you need to force onto others. Does the word frighten you that much?....O Great Philosopher
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  7. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    How can I force anything on anybody?

    Last time I checked, the USofA and internet were still by and large free (to go and see or not), ergo WTF are you smokin'?!?

    But I will tell you something quite frankly: if my posts make you feel uneasy because I dare question critically the prevailing right wing idiocies, then I am interested in continuing to question and show through Emperor's new clothes, sure...

    Racism, xenophobia etc. are not something anyone should take lightly!!! You should join me in condemning such attitudes/"values"!!! Shouldn't you?
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  8. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Your posts do not make me feel uneasy, but seeing the same view over and over and over and over and over and over and. How 'bout I say "You Win!!" you beat me again now lets try something with more peace
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  9. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Peace for whom? In what regard?

    This is critical mind at work, it must never rest, so long as we are Human and alive, FCOL...

    Should we let Trump "win" just because he continues to lie and lie and lie all over again and again and again and again....????

    Now, that would then constitute peace, right? Ahem... no thanx!

    Wake up and smell the garbage...

    P.S. I repeat: "Shouldn't you join me in condemning racism, xenophobia...???"
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  10. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    #210 Michaela Joy, Mar 28, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    @Cody: Whereas I didn't even bother quoting your entire post, I did quote the parts you directed at me.

    He did what he did because the Democratic party wouldn't stand behind him. And He knew it. He's a career politician and he knew that fighting them would spell the end of his career. Trump has nothing to lose, so his career can't be held over his head.

    BTW: The Republican party tried to do the same thing to Trump.

    So do you think that Trump is representing the American interests by putting a Health Care deal on the table that helps
    the business aspects of health care and steps all over the people?

    I don't.

    Maybe not now, but talk to us in about 20 years when your health starts to fail. And it will.

    What does that even mean? You think that because you were born in America that you're an American?!? You're from a family of immigrants. Everybody is. Unless you were born native American, you're an Immigrant.

    But I guess you never took an American history course.

    You're not 'giving' tax to anyone. You're paying tax to the American Government, so that the govt can build roads and improve the quality of the lives of Americans. If you come here, you should pay taxes. Period.

    To address your second point, I was born in America, and I already don't like you. I think that you're a narrow minded, misled fool, and a classic example of what an education does to a bigoted mind.

    You come in here quoting David Duke?!? And expect any kind of respect from anybody here?!?

    The one thing that Christ implied in the scriptures is that we should all hold this world and all its' concerns with disdain,
    because it does not matter in the kingdom of Heaven. The only thing that matters is how you treat others.

    Don't even lump me in with that 1% nonsense. I am -NOT- a liberal democrat, nor am I a Social Justice Warrior, as you put it. I'm also not a bigot. That's why I had a successful career in electronics engineering and computer science -WITHOUT- going to college.

    And how do you know that I'm not one of those 1% ers' that your generation screams about?

    My grandmother had a phrase that describes people like you. I know this, because she used to say it to me. :D

    "How could someone so smart be so stupid?!?!"

    I think that applies here. With respect to both you -and- gorski. Yeah, gorski can be a little pompous and obstinate at times, but He means well. That's why I engage him in conversation.

    You on the other hand, would be someone that My LEO friends would have to protect in New York City, because you'd get punched in the face or get your throat cut for spouting White Supremacist garbage.

    A child truly lives as he learns...

    You have a lot to learn...
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  11. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    <-- Wonders what all this antisemitism has to do with Donald Trump being crazy. :dunno:
  12. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @JFKI: And I didn't even need pictures to get my point across. :D
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  13. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Cody, seriously - stick with coding. Otherwise - pffrrtttt!!! :D :D :D :D :D
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  14. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
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  15. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Pathetic. Seriously, do not use words - embarrassing yourself like this... wow!
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  16. nodnar

    nodnar MDL Expert

    Oct 15, 2011
    any green mods around? lately some posts look like they were copy/pasted from the stormfront... :g:
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  17. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    it ain't easy being green
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  18. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @nodnar, Report what you find offensive. Let the staff deal with it.

    @Cody: I don't talk to White Supremacist skinheads.

    Have a nice life.
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  19. Myrrh

    Myrrh MDL Expert

    Nov 26, 2008
    The Black Supremacists (Revs. Wright, Jackson and Sharpton; Black Panthers, BLM activists et al) aren't any more preferable than the White Supremacists. That's all I'll say on that matter.
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  20. gorski

    gorski MDL Guru

    Oct 21, 2009
    Aha, some spines and brains combined aaaannddd....

    [h=1]Kansas Republicans Just Defied Donald Trump and Voted to Expand Medicaid[/h][h=3]As the GOP tries to blow up Obamacare in DC, Republicans in this deep-red state are rushing to implement it.[/h]
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