JFK, may I reciprocate but with a little bit more basis for it: First of all, I am no "pollack" - and even if I were - so what? Is that what you get growing up in America? As in, "American life style"? Blimey! No thanx! Secondly, I have nothing but "respect" for American choices, such as they are... Speaking of intelligence and all that... I mean, where do we start: Amer-Indians, Africans, Chinese, Japanese... all the way to Ivy League Trump... Achhh, all those beautiful stories... with Trump words, the best words... Good nightmare...
OMG NO! Associating Trump with http://content.time.com/time/specials/2007/personoftheyear/article/0,28804,1690753_1690757,00.html
You have no idea how this (Amuuuricans electing Trump in that "wise" electoral college system) is both hilarious (as in cringing hilarious) and scary (not knowing his arse from his elbow and yet making all those decisions that impact a lot of humans and the rest of life on the planet) to the rest of the "stoopid pollack" world....
I got a feeling that a lot of U.S. citizens don't give a rats arse about the rest of the world right now and they want to take care of problems right here in the U.S. right now
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...-with-russian-ambassador-putin-aide-says.html Pot Kettle black anyone ?
Yeah, right... as if that's what's happening, equitably and fairly, reducing the enormous inequality, legislating against excesses of Wallstreet and whatnot... This is empty nonsense, no content. Truly Trumponesque!
Trump has been office for less than 3 months and the media is in a feeding frenzy to criticize. How much did other presidents do in their first 3 months in office? That's right.... O'Bummer got a noble peace prize for doing..... nothing at all
Doesn't matter which guy/girl is in the chair, you can't make it right and you will always be monitored and criticized for everything. .. but the hype and BS these days ...
Sure, why not play the good ol' ostrich game... Such fun, so comforting... Until a lion sees your but...
Yeah, sure, on which planet, in which universe, in which parallel reality do ostriches hold knives, kill lions and then eat them?!?
Oh, he is doing more than enough to kick him out, if there was any brains and spine to do it... But no - this is in "alt-reality", for sure... Such is their karma...