I have come to the conclusion that congress is crazier. http://clerk.house.gov/floorsummary/floor.aspx Really ? Liz Cheney ? Dick's wife ? 2 minutes 55 seconds ? And I thought "Bankers hours" were great.
You left out the great $$retirement package$$ and life time health insurance too. I should have less morals and be more criminal like a legislator
Not that I am standing up for everything he does but, he speaks before he thinks. If he would THINK before he speaks, he would be like every other president we have had. Over all he is doing good things...
https://www.theguardian.com/comment...s-expense-trumps-heartland-appeasing-liberals Complicit - what a perfume...
SUUURRR-PPRRRIIIIISSEEEEE!!!!! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/mar/14/donald-trump-tax-return-leaked-alternative-minimum This from a guy who did not have to pay any tax for as long as he needed to, in order to "recuperate his (enormous) losses in the previous years", so "good and competent a businessman" he is.... So, there was the social network to catch him falling down (freefall to Hell, it was!!!) but now he wants to seriously undermine the same social invention aimed at the other end of the scale... Sure, he really is working for the good of Amuricans... But which ones and how many?!?
What news? That Trump paid 25% of his gained income for taxes? 12 years ago? So? How does that relate in anyway to what he did or he does not pay for his taxes in '16? Please do not get caught in the "we gotta get Trump" news hysteria.... It's a put on by Rachel Madcow to get peeps riled up over nothing at all. Trump can not change the tax codes all by himself, and if people do not like what he intends they'll have to summon the congresspersons/ senators to let them know
I think the only thing it really accomplished was to make them (the liberal left) think they pissed off Trump. I think that it's possible that his administration let this leak on purpose to draw attention away from his current tax issue's. Looks like it may have worked too. I've noticed in my life's experiences that peeps that think they are smart usually are not
No he is not. A crazy person does not make that kind of money. The Crazy one left the white house a long time ago and has been known to bark like a Dog.
As hilarious as this? Nah, China is the word: So... A bit hard to laugh at anybody from such a corner...
Heh... As if I was at any point advocating Hillary uncritically (like you seem to be behind Trump now)... But this is the real issue here - "nothing succeeds like success" is the poison some Americans seem to revel in. So be it - the tendencies of what he is doing are obvious to some of us (Goldman Sachs guys are IN! ). https://www.washingtonpost.com/busi...58d4a988474_story.html?utm_term=.ad850d8d43a5 Trump federal budget 2018: Massive cuts to the arts, science and the poor Trump admits his health care plan would benefit rich investors, screw over people who voted for him https://thinkprogress.org/trump-health-care-admission-dd759907622f#.bml395d32 Ahem, who is he working for, again?!? So, I am expecting guys like you to come back with this: Soon, if you have any brains, much later if not. (On the other hand, for what it's worth, I did not expect this from you... )
Frankly does it really matter who has become the puppet of the true powers that be ? Billery has succumbed to that long ago. Trump does not yet know. Bush Jr. and Obama have destroyed the country. Yes it will be a challenge and we will have some hard times fixing it. At least Trump will try... In the beginning. If he doesn't learn quick though he will be whacked. If you want to add alqaeda to the equation, they did win. What were we told that their objectives were ? To destroy our freedoms. Look no further than the changes to the American way of life pre and post 9/11 for the proof. Oh, you were born after 9/11 ? GOD HELP US. Which do you think has the better chance of fixing that ? One who wants to fix the US first, or one which accepts everyone from around the world with open arms and will support them, and their whole damn families until the US goes bankrupt ? Oh wait, how much of a deficit do we already have ? And on a different note... Or is it ?