Is trump crazy?

Discussion in 'Serious Discussion' started by bobbee12, Feb 19, 2017.

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  1. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Yes it does matter, specially if Mexicans become a majority. Do you white people want your country converted into another Mexico? :eek:

    We Mexicans are not a good example of how to build a solid country and society.

    PS: I know your questions are rhetorical.
  2. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Mr.X: No we don't. We want our country to be a shining example of hard work and self-pride paying off, and -ANYBODY- who wants to comes here and work for prosperity to have that opportunity.

    Anyone who is not on board with that can leave and go where they want. Nobody is stopping you.
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  3. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    I just plain agree with you. As a species, we are not mature enough to freely open to others so easily. Yes, I agree you deserve to be the rulers of your country founded by European settlers.

    As a whole species, some specimens have different timing and ways to evolve. No one is perfect (perfection does not exist imo) but some try to evolve differently to others. And others simply don't care how they evolve, hey, they don't even know what evolution is at all... o_O
  4. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    I really don't consider myself a member of any specific party. I believe that the beneficial qualities of all parties should be weighed out and combined into one "super-party" that gets things done, helps everybody concerned, and takes care of business. Nobody should go hungry. Everybody should have the chance to better themselves. But not on the backs of others.

    If you want something, you work for it. Seniors should be nurtured. Without them, we wouldn't be here. Children should be taught the value of hard work and study. Our youth needs to be taught trades.

    Personally, I'm not out there in the job market, competing with other hungry humans. So I'm not seeing things from your perspective. I'm retired. But I still do odd jobs from time to time. I fix equipment that most of the "youngins'" couldn't even begin to comprehend, let alone repair. ;)

    (MJ speaks metaphorically. Not directed at you personally. :) )

    In my mind, you can be one of two societal types: You can either be a victim or a victor.

    (@CODY: Now I'm speaking to you personally.)

    You are a software developer. You are among the elite, whether or not you realize it. If someone told me "You're not good enough to work here", I'd go off and start my own company. Or, I'd work as a consultant. Needless to say,I've done both. ;)

    Don't get caught up in the rhetoric of the Mainstream Media. Don't let the bullschitt distract you from the brass ring. Stake your claim. Make good for yourself. Use your gifts. Have faith in yourself.

    If you're a man / woman from the UK, then partner up with an American and create an international entity. And don't be suprised if one finds you and makes you an offer.
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  5. highpoint

    highpoint MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2014
    The media has society in an uproar... it's the only thing they know how to do best in life.
  6. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    That's why they need to be paid as little attention to as possible. They are business entities you know. And creating windmills for our young Quixotes to till at is their business. ;)

    Welcome to MDL, btw. :welcome2:
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    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    this thread :facepalm:
  8. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Who believes the NSA really has the time or inclination to wiretap Merkle ?

    If the wiretaps were done manually I would agree with your sentiment... But they no longer are.
    Everything is automated, scooped up, and stored.
    All one needs is access to the database and a well written query and BOOM! the data is at your fingertips.

    Of course there are laws like for example the NSA spying on Americans... BUT the GCHQ and NSA and about 3 others share the data, so all NSA would have to do is ask GCHQ for the data they are looking for on any American.

    Considering the above, Who believes GCHQ really has the time or inclination to wiretap Trump ?
    Anyone who doesn't is naive.
  9. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015

    ten characters.

    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    What has GCHQ, NSA and other mentioned bull to do with the topic? Nothing! All agencies and stuff which was mentioned her wasn't created or initialized by Trump. This thread is ridiculous and should be moved to chit chat section. I would take such thread serious if people would stay on the line and be objective but this is all personal here.
  11. highpoint

    highpoint MDL Novice

    Jul 6, 2014
    #151 highpoint, Mar 20, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
    The media has society in an uproar... it's the only thing they know how to do best in life.

    Hope things get better down there.

    America (replying mainly to that statement and thread topic):

    Tell that to the farmer who's been farming for several decades, not to mention farms that been in families for generations. Farms are being taken over and stolen by banks, massive conglomerates, and corporations. Just because the Farmer can't pay a bill due to Corporation bulls**t, so banks hurt the good guy?! In any sense the banking system is literally full of crooks who deserve to be hung in public.

    So you would rather have the United States controlled by Corporations, which has clearly been displayed in the past couple months? I'd be more concerned of a Corporation controlling the America's over Government. You're right the Government is being systematically dismantled, but the issue is Government is there for a reason to sustain the economy and order. You think "Corporations" will sustain the economy and order? That's tooo funny. It's seriously getting there tho, I know some banks are now following Google, PayPal, and Amazon "rules," which in fact are not Federal Regulations nor Federal and State laws. Federal regulations were designed to protect consumers, not to protect banks or corporations misdeeds.

    About the immigration ban. It's not a "immigration ban," it's a temporary restraining order (120 days max) for specific regions of the middle-east, which have been on the watch list since the early 90's and heightened after 9/11. An immigration ban would entail every damn individual from every damn country. Yet, there are idiots out there screaming "immigration ban" and GENERALIZING the entire ordeal over nothing but pure ignorance and stupidity. Yes, the people in the United States of American have been very stupid over the past few decades and it's becoming worse every decade, people bitch and moan about the most nonsensical bulls**t and they have absolutely no damn clue what they're even bitching about. Now, going back to the muslim nations.. these nations harbor radical islamics wanting to destroy America and it's system. It is unfortunate that some people of those nations have to suffer from the acts of others, but what can the America's do? Seriously, people can wait out the 30-90 days in protective custody until they're cleared to return to the United States, if they have ties to radical islamics then that will be found out. It's no different than what happened after 9/11 and our Government knows more about potential threats to this nation than any damn civilian sitting at a computer or socializing about the issue(s) on social media.. how about drink a nice cup of STFU and go on with your personal lives? I'll agree with the fact that the country was wrong about WMD's stored in massive reserves in the middle-east (Iraq), but look who was President then[!], BUSH, do you know anything about the Bush Family? Many people do not and very unaware of what occurred with Bushy Senior during talks in Iraq with Hussein. I'm one that does not believe in conspiracies, but I find it very odd that what occurred on 9/11 is mostly due to the Bush Family and their scumbag tactics in the middle-east, but that shouldn't stop the United States from protecting it's innocent [majority] citizens.

    I do believe Government propaganda (ie: Native Americans - were bad) is utterly false and nothing more than a save face tactic. Regarding, Native Americans, they did what they had to do in order to survive and keep what was rightfully their's.. yet everything they rightfully owned were forced from their lives. This doesn't only apply to Native Americans, but also settlers who were just looking for a safe place to start over and what do you know... banks come in and steal and destroy families etc... history unfolds a lot of America, and also so much of other countries as well.

    As for brainwashing and how we ought to live etc... you seriously have a tin-foil hat on. No one is telling you how to live except by the media and society, however, no one has any right to live by causing harm to others or by criminal deeds. That is not how a person lives in civilization. What ought to happen is every country to re-adopt public hangings for individuals who steel property (money, etc) by coercion, extortion, and fraud. No one has no right to obtain anything which belongs to an individual by those means, absolutely none. Ok, what about Doctors who are stripped from their licenses in the United States due to malpractice, where to most of them go? Most move to other countries and practice as they ought to have in the States, some practice some very unsettling s**t and it's far from normal... you do realize that some Doctor's believe that they're actually "God," and destroy lives by gene mutations and other unthinkable acts? I know a lot of Americans believe life is nothing but Disney World and lala land, but the reality is, the Government is protecting people.

    Government isn't what caused the last recession, it was Banks and Corporations' exploiting loopholes in the system and causing havoc in this country. There are rules in law for a reason to create civility and fairness, yet you have criminal EXECS believing they're about the law.

    Also, an education isn't going to get anyone a job... it doesn't matter how many degrees an individual has. An education does not build self esteem, an education does not guarantee a job, an education does not eliminate health issues or mental illness (depression, anxiety, ptsd, adhd, gad, ocd, etc, etc, etc. FYI individuals suffering from these are not idiots or stupid), an education does not do a damn thing for anyone other than provide an individual knowledge for a specific field... an education doesn't prepare anyone for life, period. What education will provide is debt, working at a coffee house or bagging grocery bags, and maybe a sense of worth and achievement. In any sense, the cost of a college education has ballooned nearly 10,000% of what it should in reality cost.

    Yes, Government should be watching out for it's citizens... your taxes pay for necessary things if something were to happen in your life, but you're also responsible to look out for yourself. Taxes also pay for infrastructure, roads, medical, etc. The problem is that BIG business (Corporations) are NOT paying their fair share in taxes as they ought to and they're also receiving massive stimulus packages provided by previous leaders. Why is that? It's because of legislature and corrupt lobbyists forcing bulls**t bill proposals down capital hill, not by the President... in some cases (Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr... yes, they're all part of the Oil Family). Also, EXECS shouldn't be going to the bank with multi-million dollar bonuses in hand, that money ought to be going directly back into the communities... exactly where that money came from in the first place. The problem is most, if not all, people still do not understand the purpose of currency.

    NSA spying... who gives a damn... if you're not wanted then you have nothing to fear, period. The NSA, Government, doesn't give two rats asses if you download pirated software, use torrents, etc. They don't care if you're exploiting your internet carriers bandwidth. Who cares about this? Corporations, and maybe some lowly and uneducated and dimwitted Police Officer (most are dimwits). Also the only thing the NSA had collected is META-DATA.. which is completely and utterly useless to anyone. The only thing META-DATA informs the NSA about is where(gps-location)-when(time)-who(#) and they correlate that information with what you don't need to worry about.

    As for Trump, I agree with some things but not everything he has planned.

    It is corporations who have destroyed this country, NOT Government.

    ok, this is just a very short brief... i'm not going to write a damn thesis.

    So, you're telling us in the past 50 years... that you've really not learned anything?
  12. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    That circles around Trump's accusation that Trump Tower was wiretapped.
    Is Trump crazy for making that accusation ?
    You are correct Cheffie, The infrastructure and technology to do so was already there. :dunno:
  13. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    Too late. :rolleyes: :p
  14. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    #154 Michaela Joy, Mar 20, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2017
    @highpoint: Interesting how you singled out my post and then start spewing. :g:

    Have you ever lived on a farm? Had a real job? Served your country?

    Just curious...Let us know. ;)

    EDIT: Your posting style reminds me of another troll that was booted off of MDL because of psychological problems.



    Just sayin' :D
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  15. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    So many embassies had to call in bug-sweepers to see if surveillance equipment was installed after having certain contractors come in and do work.

    He could afford the services of the people who would sweep the place. And if He did and found something, the big question would be "who put it there"

    And what's their agenda?

    Was it the government? Is it part of an investigation? Or was it a private contractor.

    I'm sure he has enemies. The whos and whys, I don't know.
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  16. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    The money ending up in the wrong hands is a reality in Africa. Those billion dollars aid rarely trickle down as we would have expected them to in developing countries. It is an eyes-wide-open case and most Nigerians are quite aware aid are no longer a long term solutions to poverty. They keep on coming without finding lasting solutions to what they are meant to solve. I can only speak for my country of Nigeria though. Sincerely speaking Nigeria is supposed not to be accepting aid from any nation at this point in time if we were able to put our house in order. It is sad to see we are still living in the past due to the failure of our leaders and forefathers to make a difference in the society.

    There is enough natural resources to meet the need of the people in my country but the human potential has always been neglected by the crooked leaders who are there to loot. Either because they aren't educated and become a puppet to nations where they stark the nation's wealth. Each time I think about what is wrong in my society I get closer to the very thing that divide us as citizens only to find out that aid is not an immediate solution but a burden for laziness. A shame to nation that cannot take care of its people and a disregard for the future. There are other contributory factors but failure in leadership is the first on the list to say the least.

    The American government provides my country medical aid through the USA assistance of USAID. The amount of aid we receive from developed nations is very small compared to other nations on the list. At the moment we are receiving close to nothing despite the farming problem in the North-Eastern part of the country caused by the Boko Haram insurgents. It is interesting to see that farming is now a thing reported about Nigeria on the news around the world. It baffles most of us over here

    If you ask average Nigerians on the street on what use is aid to the society they would probably tell you it is of no significant use because it belittles us and proves we can not feed ourselves which is just the opposite what the people want - to trade with the developed nations. My country is supposed to be self-sufficient in food production by now if we hold on to innovation and commercial agriculture.

    I don't think USA alone can fix Nigeria for us but the people of Nigeria. We have to get organized, provide education in all civilized forms, respect rule of law and contribute to humanity. Those aren't things in the nations top agenda at the moment and it is sad to behold in my generation.

    To conclude it all aid has never been the solution to African problems, be it poverty, diseases or bad leadership. What we need are friendly nations that are willing to trade, respect the mutual benefits from doing business and work together to move humanity forward.
  17. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    I didn't even think about those aspects of "wiretapping".
    I was thinking more along the lines of the data which they say doesn't, but does get stored in places around the globe like NSA's Utah datacenter.
  18. Joe C

    Joe C MDL Guru

    Jan 12, 2012
    Trump needs to show some kind of evidence if he was tracked/ spied on. He spouts off a lot but has nothing to show for all of his blathering [Drama Queen] Trump [/Drama Queen]
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  19. JFKI

    JFKI MDL Expert

    Oct 25, 2015
    He has already stated that he would.
    Whether that happens or not :dunno:

    CHEF-KOCH MDL Expert

    Jan 7, 2008
    :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

    Fringe season 1 started ... Trump can't stop me :tasty:

    :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: